Materials related to JazzTeam

Guidelines for the retrospective facilitator

    This article is intended primarily for retrospective facilitators. The guidelines describe the mechanics of a retrospective and lay important emphases on the controllability of the overall dynamics of a retrospective and its goals. A retrospective should have certain boundaries set..

    Our team took part in the VDS 2022

      At JazzTeam our mission is to improve the world around us by providing our customers with professional services for reliable, technological, and transparent software development. We aim to contribute to the digital transformation of our customers’ businesses using the principles..

      Happy Programmers’ Day!

        Today JazzTeam congratulates all developers on the Programmer’s Day! The role of developers in the modern world is difficult to overestimate. You are the main innovators who create digital products and services, changing the lives of millions of people for..

        Happy QA Day!

          On the 9th of September the International QA Day is traditionally celebrated. And today, JazzTeam sincerely congratulates all QA specialists! Your hard work is very important, because without you a lot of software products would work incorrectly, with a lot..

          Happy birthday, JazzTeam

            Today there is a bright event for our company – we celebrate our 11th anniversary! All this time we have been growing, finding new opportunities and niches, gaining additional competencies and achieving our goals! Together we were able to overcome..