We offer a full range of Software Development Services
JazzTeam provides various types of IT services. We solve problems related to business analysis, planning, process building, design, development, testing and implementation of products. Our company has been professionally providing each of these services for more than 10 years. We have the necessary expertise and experience. JazzTeam employs proactive professionals who can become a part of your team.
Our company offers comprehensive project handling, as well as effective solutions for individual tasks. We often cooperate with customers in several service areas at a time: we combine backend development and manual testing or frontend development, test automation and project management.
- Work within a single service (e.g., a product only needs test automation).
- Provide several types of services (e.g., you need test automation and CI/CD implementation).
- Offer a full range of services (e.g., you want to order a project from scratch, including consulting, management, development, testing, CI/CD implementation).
JazzTeam Services
JazzTeam provides a comprehensive service for the design, customization, development, and integration of IT products. We are focused on creating high-tech solutions for the achievement of our customers’ business goals and are interested in active participation in projects. With our extensive international experience and highly competent staff, we offer the following services.
Types of JazzTeam software development services
Software Development
Product Development
We create scalable, stable products that customers can easily maintain on their own and without additional effort. Our team initially provides a high level of code coverage with easily extensible automated tests, creates required documentation and manuals on the use of systems. The IT solutions we develop have a modular architecture and loose coupling of components, which allows to ensure the effective implementation of new product features.
JazzTeam has experience in creating its own products for commercial and internal needs: from idea generation to selling an out-of-the-box solution. One of our products is XML2Selenium. It is a Java-based extensible platform for creating and monitoring automated tests. We also use our own product for employee time tracking and create solutions for crawling. We have gained the necessary practical experience and skills of building a product development process from scratch.
We will be glad to help you with setting up IT solutions creating processes, as well as ensuring the delivery of a stable working product to the market in the required time.
Custom Software Development
We develop and optimize various IT solutions for specific customer needs. It results in process improvement and higher business efficiency. Since its creation, our company has been specializing in Java backend development. However, in order to be a reliable partner for our customers and approach project tasks in their entirety, we provide both backend and frontend development services.
Backend Development
For more than 10 years JazzTeam has been focused on Java technology. One of our greatest strengths is server Java development. We create different types of Java solutions for a wide variety of application servers and execution environments. While developing different software types we rely on OOP, design patterns, recognized architectural paradigms and approaches, which allows us to ensure a high level of reuse of created modules. In addition, our engineers have expertise in creating projects in the plugin paradigm. Also, we apply best practices and approaches to development and testing: Model Driven Development, Test Driven Development, Data Driven Testing. Adhering to engineering standards and approaches, we have extensive experience in building the architecture of various software types.
Due to the engineering approach, we professionally refactor a complex, hard-to-maintain code and ensure a high level of reusable components. All this allows reducing the cost of product support and involvement of new specialists in a project.
Our competences in Java development
Comprehensive and systematic knowledge of Java technology:
- Deep understanding of OOP principles; constant use of a variety of pattern types, including integration ones.
- Deep knowledge of various aspects of JSE and JEE, practical experience with JMS, EJB, JPA, JTA, etc., which allows combining innovations with the fundamentals of Java technology.
- Creation of different types of Java solutions for a wide variety of runtimes, application servers, and runtime environments: console services, desktop programs, microservices, cloud solutions, Spring, J2SE, J2EE, SOA, OSGi applications, etc.
- High expertise in Reflection API, aspect programming (AspectJ, Spring AOP). Extensive work experience with complex 3rd party tools – javassist, asm, etc. All of this allows us to design more advanced frameworks and systems.
- Proficiency in a full range of automation testing tools – JUnit, TestNG, mock frameworks, and many more.
- Comprehensive experience in profiling and combating memory leaks.
Wide range of working tools and frameworks:
- Excellent knowledge of most top-rated frameworks (web and general purpose), including Spring MVC, GWT, Vaadin, Grails, Play, Akka, Seam, Struts, Apache Spark.
- Proficiency in all important components of Spring technology — MVC, Security, Cloud, Boot, Integration, Roo, Batch, WebServices, Social, AMQP, AOP.
- Intensive use of other popular frameworks and libraries, such as Hibernate, RabbitMQ, Apache Camel, Drools, Apache Karaf, Apache Zookeeper, Apache CXF, Apache Felix.
- Experience in creating our own Java-based frameworks, practical experience in extensible plugin development.
We are not limited to only server-side technology and actively apply other programming languages. Constantly using Java to create backends and integration solutions, we have experience in building backends in Node.js, frequently use Groovy (both for scripting and for creating complete backends), as well as Kotlin. We are proficient in technologies historically associated with the Java ecosystem (XML, XSLT, XSD).
We are experienced in creating backends for the following software types:
- Integration solutions;
- Web and desktop applications;
- Cloud solutions;
- Microservices;
- Mobile apps.
Our team is competent in developing IT solutions for various business domains. Including:
- The most sophisticated systems in IoT and science;
- Process automation solutions;
- CRM, CMS systems;
- Various search services;
- Social networks;
- Payment systems.
Frontend Development
JazzTeam professionally uses JavaScript and related web technologies: HTML5/JS/CSS, AngularJS, ReactJS, Redux. Our frontend developers learn OOP and design patterns. When building the client-side logic in JavaScript, they use architecture and pattern-based thinking from the world of Java. Applying JS frameworks (AngularJS, ReactJS, etc.), they deeply understand how they function. They study the source code of popular Open Source solutions and repeat best practices when writing their own frameworks, which they create in an extensible OOP style following Java standards.
Our strengths in frontend development:
- Working with popular JavaScript frameworks (AngularJS, ExtJS, EmberJS, VueJS, ReactJS).
- Developing UI for different systems based on MVC pattern.
- Creating cross-platform web applications with adaptive and extensible architecture.
- Ensuring a high percentage of JavaScript code coverage with Unit tests.
- Constantly striving to apply modern approaches and trends in frontend development:
- applying the JAMstack approach;
- developing progressive web applications (PWA);
- using the GraphQL technology.
- Ensuring high quality of applications by using various test automation tools (Karma, Jasmine and others).
- Using static site generators (Next, Nuxt, Gatsby, Gridsome).
With our extensive experience, we often act as consultants for improving the application frontend part for the customer’s team. Our specialists can solve problems related to the compatibility of application components with different browsers, and advise on the efficient refactoring of legacy code.
Software Reengineering, Refactoring, and Modernization. Cloud Migration
This service includes applications reengineering using best development practices. During system modernization, we evaluate the state of a product in terms of the architecture, technologies used and processes executed, and propose options for further code development. Before we start manipulating the codebase, we try to create the necessary Unit and Data Driven tests to monitor the stability of the system during subsequent changes. All problems found are covered by Unit tests preventing the reoccurrence of eliminated defects. By doing so, we ensure regression testing of our patches in all versions of your product, which makes the refactoring process more stable. Due to the engineering approach, we professionally refactor a complex, hard-to-maintain code and ensure a high level of reuse of developed components. All this allows reducing the cost of product support and involvement of new specialists in a project.
Our company also provides cloud architecture development services, integration with Amazon cloud services, Windows Azure and other PAAS providers, migration of your applications between cloud providers. If using a cloud does not fit into your privacy requirements, we organize scalability by clustering on local servers.
Application Integration Services
JazzTeam has solid experience in developing integration applications. When creating such solutions, we use the company’s collective expertise in building the architecture of complex IT products. Our specialists professionally design extensible, easily integrated (including plugin) architectures, use different integration paradigms, such as SOA, Microservices, various Message Brokers and ESB (RabbitMQ, ActiveMQ, Apache Camel and Apache Kafka). JazzTeam engineers have expertise in the application of the MuleESB integration platform. When necessary, our specialists pass the MuleSoft Certified Developer: Integration and API Associate certification. Also, over the years of working with MuleESB, we have gained extensive experience in creating commercial Mule connectors.
JazzTeam has expertise in integrating various applications with such platforms as Salesforce, Zoho CRM, and Magento.
Early-Stage Innovation, R&D
Our company solves complex, non-trivial problems that require long-term research using a non-typical technology stack or a combination of technologies, which is particularly topical in the early stages of product creation. JazzTeam has developed a unique approach to solving complex research problems. Our engineers start their work with decomposition: a breakdown into subtasks lasting 1-2 hours. In the following weeks, they spend one hour every day on this research, which in the end leads to excellent results. Practice shows that without getting hung up on one problem, a solution can be found faster. Application of this practice allows to perform effective research even within a limited budget.
We have substantial experience in technological research, effectively work on projects where the customer doesn’t yet have an exact idea of the ways of implementing specific solutions to achieve a business goal. In this case, we perform the necessary research building a technological foundation. Then, in subsequent iterations, we can proceed to implementation or stop cooperation at this phase and provide the customer with a detailed expert analysis, estimation, architecture or prototype of the future product.
We solve complex R&D tasks. For example:
- Professional secure refactoring of complex systems using Data Driven Testing.
- Reverse engineering of projects for future expansion and customization.
- Creation of scalable plugin systems.
- Creation of DSL languages and frameworks of various complexity for project needs.
- Creation of plugins for Eclipse.
- Extensive experience in source code modification, customizing various libraries and frameworks such as Spring, Struts, Hibernate, Seam.
Working with JazzTeam, you get not only a high-quality product, but also a comprehensive solution for issues related to test and release management. During IT solutions development, we provide professional manual and automated testing services and implement continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) in all projects.
Examples of Completed Projects
Test Automation Services
Our company has been creating automated tests since 2011. Our portfolio includes projects with 5000 and 8000 autotests, as well as provision of test automation service to regular customers from Europe and USA for 5-6 years.
Over the years of work we have successfully completed more than 50 projects on test automation, gained extensive experience in this area and developed a comprehensive approach to autotesting. Our company focuses on the effective combination of engineering thinking in autotests creation, expert CI/CD mastery, and professional test management. This approach allows us to solve complex tasks comprehensively and share our own culture of using best practices in development and testing with the customer.
We apply CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment) on all our projects. The autotests we create are integrated into CI/CD processes right from the start and become immediately useful, paying off your investment in autotesting. Our company ensures a high level of testing process organization through professional management and guarantees the application of best practices in autotests and product quality management. In our work we use all available tools and effective approaches related to test automation. For example, Test Driven Development, which is often used in Agile projects. Our test automation engineers are big fans of Data Driven Testing. Over the time of using this approach, they have accumulated serious expertise which allows them to efficiently and quickly cover and stabilize the most important parts of a product.
We create scalable autotests with a clear structure that are easy to develop and maintain, accompany them with high-quality documentation and organize the test management process, set up CI/CD so that our customers can independently manage the launching of autotests.
Focusing on Java technology for the creation of backends (server-side), we use our expertise in other areas as well. In autotesting, we constantly apply best design and development practices: use OOP, patterns, UML diagrams, provide a high level of code reuse and maintainability, apply refactoring and code review.
Our test automation services include:
- Testing of web applications (web interfaces).
- Unit testing of REST APIs, classes, components, frameworks, applications and services written in Java using JUnit/TestNG (including other Java technologies and libraries).
- Integration testing.
- Creation of a test running infrastructure (CI/CD and DevOps), including configuration of CI servers (we usually use Jenkins) on your or our servers.
- Test management.
- Consulting on the implementation of test automation on your project.
We apply an extensive technology stack for test automation and can choose the right tools for you. When testing isolated methods, we often use Mock objects. We use Selenium/WebDriver, Selenide, Selenoid, Concordium, Karma, and Jasmine for testing web interfaces. We perform load testing with JMeter.
Manual Testing Services
Our company has been providing manual testing services for over 10 years. We have accumulated strong expertise in this area and have gained experience in successful quality assurance and stabilization of various products. Among other things, we performed manual testing of the following software types:
- non-trivial web applications;
- sophisticated desktop applications;
- science-intensive systems, testing of which required deep immersion into the domain area;
- integration systems without the UI part;
- mobile apps.
An important feature of JazzTeam’s manual testing service is the engineering approach. Our QA specialists are proficient in the necessary tools and types of scripting and are constantly mastering new techniques. For example, they use Postman for making requests to REST API, and SQL for database testing. All this allows to effectively use the team resources and save on development.
Advantages of JazzTeam’s manual testing service:
We always approach the manual testing process in a systematic and comprehensive manner. At the beginning of cooperation, we analyze customer requirements, the situation on the project, and the product status. Then we develop a detailed plan and implement only the necessary testing types, including the following ones:
- Smoke testing — to check the correctness of the product's basic functionality (especially important when adding new product features).
- Regression testing — to detect bugs in already tested portions of the source code after making changes.
- Load testing — to determine the software performance and time of response to an external request.
- Functional testing — to check the fulfillment of functional requirements to the product.
- Non-functional testing — to check the correctness of non-functional requirements (user interface, usability, compatibility, reliability).
JazzTeam integrates manual testing into the required phase of the product life cycle and CI/CD process. Due to the accumulated experience, our company precisely determines the project stage at which starting the manual testing process will bring the greatest benefit. This is necessary to make sure that our manual testing has made a real positive impact on the system stability and the customer can see the result of our work.
Our manual testing service is based on professional test management. JazzTeam managers dive deep into the product life cycle and suggest the optimum testing strategy. Managing the testing process, they also regularly report on the number and quality of covered test cases and fixed bugs. We professionally use tools such as Jira, TestLink, and TestRail. It helps to fix bugs in a way convenient for the whole team.
We always integrate manual testing into customer processes and management systems, and ensure synchronization of manual and automated testing. The test case sets and test plans developed by our manual testers can be used by the customer's autotesting team.
Important goals of the manual testing team include work on product bottlenecks identification. If we clearly understand that it will be better to perform specific tasks through automation, then we certainly bring it to the customer's attention, as well as initiate the implementation of test automation. Thus, the process of product stabilization becomes faster, more efficient and cheaper.
IT Consulting
Proactivity and a desire to add value to the customer are important components of our service. Working on projects, we always offer the customer new ideas and solutions that can improve the product processes and technology. Also, at different stages of the project life cycle, customers may face difficulties, questions, and additional risks. Regardless of the type of service we provide, we always discuss and solve arising issues. During our work, we transfer our experience and offer implementation of best practices and approaches that will benefit a product and help to save money.
In some situations, customers need a professional consulting service. This type of service is especially useful when it is required to apply a comprehensive approach with a detailed analysis of the situation and the development of a strategy for implementing improvements. For example, in case of a huge number of accumulated bugs, problems with delivery or organization of processes, which often make obstacles for the product’s development and increase of sales.
Our company solves various problems related to the technical side of a product:
- instability of applications, bugs in production;
- accumulation of a large number of bottlenecks in a product;
- irregular, unstable releases of new versions of the product (due to the absence of CI/CD);
- complicated and labor-consuming product development because of the tight coupling of legacy code components.
We provide the following IT consulting services:
1. Establishing the processes of risks planning and assessment, software development, quality assurance and delivery.
2. Project management with the implementation of Scrum-methodology and professional use of Jira.
3. Developing a strategy of implementing continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD).
4. Product technological upgrading:
- Creating and implementing a strategy for handling customer requirements.
- Architectural consulting, working with accumulated bottlenecks.
- Upgrading complex products with tightly-coupled components and legacy code, implementing a refactoring strategy.
- Developing and implementing a test automation strategy.
- Implementing a Data Driven Testing approach to stabilize complex products with large volumes of data.
5. Consulting on organization of complex and innovative technological research (R&D).
6. Improving the psychological atmosphere in the team. Overcoming learned helplessness in specialists, eliminating the psychologically tough atmosphere in the team.
7. Consulting from the current founder on solving complex business problems and conflict mediation (zmicer.consulting).
Consultations can be combined with coaching and work of our specialists in your office. The effect of such cooperation is not only an improvement of the technical side of the product itself, but also of the customer’s business in general. Among other things, it allows to improve the team’s work organization and increase the company’s profitability.
In the most difficult situations or at the initiative of the client’s top management, our founder Dzmitry Harachka (providing IT consulting services as an independent expert, zmicer.consulting) gets involved in solving complex issues on the project.
With a high level of empathy and solid practical experience in IT in various positions, as a technological leader of his own company and an entrepreneur, Dzmitry can quickly understand your pains and offer feasible strategies and solutions.
Project Management
The successful delivery of services by our company is based on a well-established project management culture with standardized and formalized processes. Each JazzTeam manager is driven by this culture and can influence its development and enhancement. Due to competently structured processes and professional management, all projects in which our company participated, were completed successfully.
Strong management is an important part of our services. Active participation of a project manager initiated by our company does not contradict Agile approaches and full-fledged self-organization of а team. A project manager in JazzTeam is also a Scrum Master acting as a mentor and leader. His main task is to coordinate the interaction with the customer and monitor the team performance. This includes facilitating communications and setting up processes on our part.
Our managers build effective processes, implement the necessary task management and test management tools, and apply the best practices in product development. As practice shows, this approach contributes to the improvement and efficiency of processes on a project and reduces non-production costs of engineers resulting in cheaper product development for you.
When necessary and when requested by the customer, our managers timely begin escalation, as well as use the expertise of other managers or involve the company’s management in the project. JazzTeam regularly holds weekly managers meetings, at which specialists share insights and challenges gained on the project. Working with us, you get access to the management expertise accumulated over 10 years of company’s work.
JazzTeam managers, in addition to their management expertise, also have a technical background and the necessary knowledge. Among other things, they can establish the process of CI/CD implementation and arrange regular work with the technical debt in a team from scratch. They perfectly understand developers, communicate with them in the same language and convey the value and benefits of implemented practices – regular Unit Testing, continuous integration and delivery – to the team.
Ordering a project management service from JazzTeam, you get:
JazzTeam managers implement tasks decomposition and estimation practices and monitor the reasonableness of estimations based on their project experience. Also, they monitor the team's progress and productivity, and help specialists to develop realism in task assessment. In addition, our managers determine exactly at what stage of the project it is most reasonable to invest in the implementation of certain practices (CI/CD, autotesting). All this helps to avoid unnecessary costs, rationally spend and control the project budget.
JazzTeam managers analyze possible risks and take necessary actions to prevent them. An important part of JazzTeam management is honesty and joint discussion of risks with the customer. You will always be aware of what is happening on the project and will be able to choose a solution that meets the current priorities of your business.
One of the important tasks of our managers is team synchronization on the project. For this purpose, they constantly ask for feedback, make sure that each project participant is focused on important priorities, tasks, and current goals. Due to regular retrospectives, every team member can express his or her opinion and be heard. All problems and difficulties are discussed openly both within the team and with the manager. This approach helps to prevent conflicts and misunderstandings and facilitates the maintenance of a friendly atmosphere in the team.
JazzTeam managers communicate the customer's vision to the team, get the team focused on priorities, and explain why certain activities are particularly important at the moment. A clear understanding and vision of the goals of each sprint contribute to coordinated work and help the team to achieve the common goal in time. Our managers constantly maintain a friendly atmosphere in their teams and make everything possible so that each specialist could feel the importance of his or her work and involvement in the overall success. This motivates the project participants and contributes to the team stability.
JazzTeam managers constantly track the project progress, maintain the necessary pace of work and are responsible for timely achievement of the goals. For constant progress monitoring, they perform the following activities:
- Ensure project initiation using best management practices. At the beginning of a project, a manager makes sure that all the requirements are clear and understandable to the team, agrees with the customer upon the ways and schedule of communication, and if necessary, distributes the work within the team.
- Make a work breakdown structure, and agree with the customer on the task priorities and deadlines for their implementation.
- Track the progress of work on the project and communicate its status to the customer.
- Act as a single point of escalation in case of problems, if necessary, involvea consulting expert to resolve misunderstandings.
- Manage the team's technical debt and focus the customer's attention on the need to work on strategically important technical tasks.
- Provide reporting in accordance with customer requirements (staff working time, test documentation, etc.).
Proper communications management plays an important role in preventing risks related to customer dissatisfaction with the end result. Arranging regular meetings, demonstrating the results of the work performed, and constant feedback contribute to achieving a common vision resulting in the product that fully meets customer expectations. Such result does not require additional investments and changes and certainly achieves the goal.
Any project needs competent management, so we can always start cooperation with providing this service. JazzTeam provides project management as a separate or associated service. For example, you can order only professional management for your project or get our project management services together with our team of test automation specialists or developers.
CI/CD Implementation and Modernization, DevOps services
The concept of continuous integration and delivery is one of the key practices that our company has been strictly adhering to for more than 10 years. Introducing CI/CD, we improve the technological side of a product and contribute to the optimization and improvement of processes on projects. Over the years, we have become convinced of the effectiveness of this practice and strive to transfer this knowledge to our customers. Experience shows that the earlier you invest in CI/CD implementation, the more money, time and effort you can save. Furthermore, the first significant results of the transition to this practice will be achieved just in a few months.
Why should you consider implementing CI/CD right now?
Benefits of Implementing CI/CD
1. Timely implementation of CI/CD ensures predictability and stability of product functioning and reduces the cost of its further support. With continuous integration and delivery setup, developer-written modules are immediately built into the system and pass daily testing (Unit, integration, and regression testing), which makes it possible to arrange regular deliveries being absolutely confident of the high quality of product versions.
2. Thanks to CI/CD, bugs are systematically detected at an early stage of development, which significantly reduces serious risks for the customer. Among other things, continuous integration and delivery helps to avoid reputational and financial losses resulting from bugs after the product is delivered to production.
3. CI/CD allows for the rapid implementation of business functions that can be used by the customer while product development continues. It is achieved by frequent commits, instant autotesting, and regular deliveries provided by this practice. Customers can check the effectiveness of the implemented solution much faster, which helps to save the budget and create a product that will be really in demand among users.
4. CI/CD facilitates monitoring and improving the development team’s performance. CI/CD disciplines engineers, requires to follow certain rules (Code Style), use best development practices (Test Driven Development, Unit Testing), update the common code branch on a daily basis, and strictly adhere to the processes. The customer can easily make sure of the engineers’ performance and the correct allocation of labor costs: he or she can always see the results achieved by the team and individual specialists during a certain period of time. Also, automation of a large number of actions that were performed manually results in team’s performance improvement and reduction of probability of errors in the product due to human factor elimination.
5. CI/CD is the first step towards technical debt prevention. Over time, regular work on the technical debt becomes more and more necessary and a very time-consuming task requiring significant investments. Eliminating the technical debt during each iteration should be the standard practice for the entire team, otherwise, it will lead to a situation where it is impossible to develop the product and increase sales. The sooner CI/CD is implemented, the smaller will be the technical debt, and therefore the cost of its elimination.
6. Due to the implementation of CI/CD, every project participant feels involvement and responsibility for the successful release. Implementation of CI/CD means establishing a certain culture in the team, in which software development and operational activities are performed in a coordinated and inseparable way. With this approach, the responsibility and interest of a specialist doesn’t end at performing his or her scope of tasks (testing, coding, etc.). By participating in the CI/CD process, each team member understands the current stage of the developed functionality and strives to achieve a common goal — to ensure a prompt delivery of software to users.
We implement CI/CD iteratively and painlessly, effectively overcoming learned helplessness and possible resistance of teams. We implement the full Continuous Integration cycle with Jenkins/Hudson (and any other CI/CD tools) and automate project building with Maven. If necessary, we use Docker and other container technologies for deployment automation.
We have expertise in the following areas of work related to CI/CD implementation:
- Comprehensive implementation of CI/CD processes from scratch.
- Development of the existing CI/CD process.
- Integration of autotests into the CI/CD process.
- Optimization of the version control system (Git) use strategy.
- Optimization of the delivery process through CI/CD.
- Solving related business problems (painless expansion of the development team).
Software Maintenance and Support Services
After completing a product, a customer may have new ideas for changing or improving the system according to current needs.
Due to our approach and principles, we effectively solve product maintenance and support tasks. Our company from the beginning thinks through and ensures the simplicity and ease of further development of the application. At an early stage of development, we integrate continuous integration and delivery into the project workflow. For continuous monitoring of the system stability, our team professionally implements processes that allow influencing the product quality promptly, implements regression testing, and provides the customer with the necessary test management tools. As part of this service, we fix bugs in the application, maintain the work of autotests and create the necessary test documentation. All of this allows us to effectively develop and modify the product. We also accompany the system with the necessary documentation describing its work, create installation and operation manuals for applications.
In case you wish to start cooperation with us within this service, we will be glad to work based on a T&M contract.
You will get additional benefits working with us
We believe that any task should be solved comprehensively. As practice shows, the successful development and scaling up of a product is only possible with competent planning, timely implementation of best development practices and maintaining a friendly atmosphere in the team. So, even if you need only one service, specific specialists or implementation of individual approaches, working with us you will get much more than you expected.
Regardless of the type of service selected, we consult our customers on improving the processes and technological component of their projects. Our team can suggest new ideas on the implementation of necessary practices for your product, create a long-term strategy for its development and legacy code refactoring.
Already in the early project stages, our managers arrange the processes in such a way as to ensure the highest efficiency of the team and the necessary speed of release of new product versions. In our work we rely on Agile philosophy and Scrum methodology, our engineers are guided by extreme programming principles. Thus, regardless of the type of service you get competent management of your project.
On all projects, we first implement continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) or significantly improve the existing CI/CD processes. With a customized continuous integration and delivery process, developer-written modules are immediately integrated into the system and pass through daily testing.
When we find bottlenecks in the product, we apply autotests to that part of the code. Due to the timely implementation of CI/CD and autotesting, we can establish regular deliveries of the product being fully confident in its high quality. Working in short iterations, we deliver new functionality every 1-2 weeks.
Transferring experience to the customer, striving to improve processes and the product are the most important standards of JazzTeam. Our team is dedicated to ensuring that after implementing the developed features and completing the project, the customer will not only get a great product, but also full confidence in its stability, high-quality code, as well as the upgrading possibility and cost-effective support. We achieve this high result through an engineering approach, timely implementation of best development and testing practices, and competent management.
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