Frontend development of the system and simultaneous training of the customer’s specialist

Provided services

Frontend Development


An American health care startup.


A health monitoring application that allows users to fill out a questionnaire with physical data, habits, and lifestyle characteristics. Based on the received data, the application provides a set of tips and recommendations for improving health, helps to identify the risks of complications as a result of a poor lifestyle, and suggests measures to prevent health deterioration.

Business challenge

JazzTeam frontend development specialists not only needed to create the system architecture, but at the same time train the customer’s engineer and immerse him deeply in the project so that he could further improve and expand the software independently.

Technological features of the project

  • Initially, it was intended for another specialist to perform the further development of the system. Therefore, the software architecture and code, technological solutions, and documentation needed to be as clear and unambiguous as possible.
  • The application has a modular architecture.
  • EmberJS and JQuery frameworks were used in the application development.
  • The user interface of the application is based on Bootstrap, Sass, and the Handlebars template engine.
  • The system has an efficient build system implemented on GruntJS.
Headline icon PROJECT TASKS
Frontend development of a health monitoring application, and the simultaneous training of the customer’s engineer so that he could further improve and expand the software independently
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  • 1
    Conducting research and selecting the optimal technology stack for the customer's needs
  • 2
    Use of frontend development best practices
  • 3
    Preparation of the architectural basis of the application Development of the architectural core of the system and the highest- priority business cases Preparation of all necessary documentation and manuals
  • 4
    Training and consulting the customer's frontend specialist Reviewing the code of the customer’s frontend specialist Teaching the principles of task decomposition and estimation Integration of the customer’s developer into JazzTeam before project completion
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Headline icon RESULTS
  • Deep immersion of the customer's developer in the specific features of the project
  • Preparation of the architectural basis of the application
Block diagram: Frontend development of the system and simultaneous training of the customer's specialist

Approaches and solutions

  • Conducting research to select the optimal technology stack for the customer’s needs.
  • Applying best practices of frontend development. Our team set up the necessary environment and applied the principle of clean code and high standards of coding.
  • Preparation of the architectural basis of the application. Initially, the customer expected to receive a developed architectural core of the system and the highest priority business cases from our team. We also prepared all the necessary documentation and comments that could help the customer’s team in the future. During the development process, JazzTeam specialists were constantly assessing the difficulty of the written code for reading and understanding after the project delivery. These principles were among the most important when it came to choosing approaches and technologies.
  • Training and consulting the customer’s frontend specialist. JazzTeam met the customer’s specialist and conducted an initial interview to identify his capabilities, weaknesses, and strengths, which were taken into account during both training and the direct development of the system core.

Our specialists were constantly reviewing the code written by the customer’s engineer, and explaining the principles of task decomposition and estimation to him. He was also invited to architectural meetings to help him more deeply understand the principles of the system’s UI. Most significantly, we managed to fully integrate the customer’s developer into our team. The specialist was involved in the project even before we completed our part of the work, which means that it will be much easier for him to develop the system on his own in the future.

Results and achievements

  • The customer’s specialist was trained and became ready to develop the application independently. Using our management approaches, we were able to deeply immerse the developer in the project specific features and teach him the necessary technical skills.
  • The architectural basis of the application was prepared and the optimal technologies were selected, which allowed the customer’s team to focus on the further implementation of business cases.

Technologies used

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jQuery UI
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    Contact Us

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    Leave your project request. We will contact you and schedule a call.
    Signing of the NDA to ensure the project info confidentiality.
    Negotiation of your request and the required services.
    Team forming, coordination of workstages.
    Contract signing and project start.