About JazzTeam
JazzTeam is a service company with streamlined processes and an established culture focused on long-term cooperation with customers. Our engineering approach to development and extensive expertise in building processes allow us to solve complex problems and respond to all possible challenges quickly and efficiently. Customers appreciate the high level of responsibility and proactivity they get from each and every JazzTeam member. In particular, the transparency of our processes and the openness in all discussions and communications.
Our customers continue cooperating with JazzTeam for several years after their original project. We aspire to establish strong relationships in which our stable and well-coordinated team develops one product or creates several solutions for the customer.
Over the years, we have successfully implemented more than 100 large-scale long-term projects. For example, our portfolio includes cases with 5000 and 8000 autotests created for one product!

Our company has accumulated solid industry expertise by working with large enterprises and startups from Europe and the U.S.:
- We have extensive experience in developing solutions for telecommunications and financial industries;
- Creating solutions for e-commerce and marketing businesses;
- Successfully implementing projects for public sector;
- Companies, and developing applications for travel and communications
Our service and project management standards are based on agile software development methodologies and our technical expertise is based on Java technologies. This priority was consciously chosen at the inception of our company and determines our work up to and including the present day.
The approaches we have been following for over 10 years are reflected in our slogan “Agile Java Development”.
In addition to a professional solution to your problems, we can also offer ideas and practices that will add value to your project. By choosing JazzTeam, you get a comprehensive service which includes a value-based approach to product development and competent project management. The high level of all JazzTeam’s services has been reflected in the excellent feedback we have received from our numerous customers, who were all completely satisfied with our work.
Customers testimonials
Our values and working principles
JazzTeam is a company with a clear mission, values, and cultural background. Our principles, benchmarks, and aspirations are used by all our employees as the philosophy and standards with which they approach their daily work.
Our mission:
To improve the world around us by providing our customers with professional services for reliable, technological, and transparent software development.
Facilitating the digital transformation of our customers’ businesses through the principles of proactivity, empathy, and openness.
Our goal:
To make a significant contribution to the happiness of our customers, employees, and partners. For this, we aspire to always deliver projects properly and on time, to create added value through a proactive approach and a high level of engineering, and to be a company whose employees are proud of their work and happy to be a part of JazzTeam!
Our culture is based on the following values and principles
1. Trust and honesty
Trust and honesty are important parts of our success. We are guided by these principles both in our relationships with customers and within the team.
We do not gloss over problems and always handle risks competently and in a timely fashion. We do not create the impression of perfect efficiency, but speak honestly about the situations arising on the project and are willing to recognize our mistakes.

Due to this approach, our company never has any unpleasant surprises for the customer: you will always be aware of the situation on the project and will be able to see the real labor costs of specific specialists at any time.
We value our reputation and take on each project with great responsibility. We carefully study the customer’s requirements and wishes at the beginning of our relationship. This allows us to understand if we can meet all your expectations and comprehensively solve the necessary tasks. We only work on projects we can guarantee will be implemented successfully.
2. Engineering, not just coding
A value-based engineering approach to creating IT solutions is an important part of our culture. This includes not only excellent mastery of best development practices, but also requires engineers to have a certain working style and strategic thinking approach.
Our developers don’t do coding. They are proactive specialists who:
- Design and provide solutions to the most complex technological problems;
- Apply the most efficient approaches in terms of the architecture;
- Are guided by best development and testing practices (CI/CD, Unit testing, DDT, pair programming) and are always ready to justify their strategic value;
- Quickly immerse themselves in the details of specific subject areas;
- If necessary, and upon the customer’s request, master new technologies and pass certification;
This engineering approach is the basis of our effective development strategy. IT solutions created by our engineers have a modular architecture and loose coupling of components. This ensures effective implementation of new product features and easy development of the system in the future.
This approach to development allows us to achieve our goals and deliver results that bring real business value and complete customer satisfaction.
3. Innovations and research
Our engineers specialize in Java technology, which is an excellent tool for solving complex and non-typical research tasks with a technological challenge. The focus on this programming language provides our developers with many excellent research opportunities. Java has a huge number of ready-made solutions and frameworks, which can be freely used for various purposes.
When embarking upon research, our developers have no mental preconceptions about complex challenges: they know that any problem can be solved by making an effort. Facing a non-trivial task, our engineers approach a challenge with interest and enthusiasm.
In the end, they always find a solution by applying an engineering approach in conjunction with task decomposition and estimation skills.
4. Continuous learning
An important component of JazzTeam’s culture is our passion for professional growth and the expansion of competence with new tools and approaches. Our specialists continuously develop and learn new technological tools, as well as methods and approaches to development and management.
By continuously learning, JazzTeam specialists are able to independently learn the tools necessary for the implementation of your project in a short time.

Knowledge sharing and lifelong learning are a constant part of our culture. JazzTeam has developed a methodology for retaining experience and reusing it for other projects. If any of our teams have questions or difficulties, the entire technological expertise of the company accumulated over many years of work can be used to solve them. We have also created an effective experience transfer system with the help of reference projects, which transfer best development practices to engineers and help specialists effectively dive into new projects.
The key to the effective development of JazzTeam specialists is our company’s own educational program created for training Java engineers. The unified IT education system allows us to continuously enrich employees with new experiences and, if necessary, to promptly transform education methods and teaching plans. The program is constantly updated to reflect the latest trends and standards. As a result, we can guarantee that the knowledge of our technical specialists meets the current requirements and demands of our customers.
5. Responsibility and teamwork
We ensure effective teamwork, where each project participant is actively involved in IT solution creation processes. Our specialists understand their responsibility not only for their own tasks, but also for the overall result of the project.
From day one at JazzTeam, we focus each employee on values such as honesty to the customer and colleagues and realism and timely response to risks.
Working within the JazzTeam culture, engineers competently use task decomposition and estimation, adhere to the Red Flag rule, and apply best development practices. Therefore, our teams always work according to a plan, without stress or conflict.
We have created a friendly community of development and testing experts within JazzTeam. Our lead engineers have an understanding and empathic attitude towards less experienced colleagues. They are always ready to help and provide guidance for solving difficult tasks. We also always use engineers’ time effectively by having them create memory cards and video lectures in the question-and-answer format to transfer knowledge about the project. Due to practices such as these, new specialists can quickly and efficiently immerse themselves in a project.
JazzTeam employees are focused on working together. If your project needs the help of our engineers, we will provide you with specialists who will seamlessly join your team. Moreover, our engineers will facilitate the establishment of a value-based approach to development on the project and, if necessary, improve the psychological climate of your team.
Our projects features
- Project management according to Scrum methodology
- Coordination of processes and communications on the project by our manager
- Competent risk management
- Strategic implementation of best development practices
- Proactivity and value-based approach to development adopted by our engineers
- Consulting on process and product improvement
- Project pre-assessment and task decomposition when working based on a T&M contract

7 reasons you should work with JazzTeam

Over 10 years of successful cooperation with international customers, we have built up solid technological and managerial expertise and gained experience in solving the most complex tasks, in addition to a variety of industry competencies. A comprehensive approach to working on projects constantly leads us to excellent results, which confirms its efficacy.
JazzTeam’s service is based on the following 7 main advantages and features.
1. We have been focused on Java for more than 10 years and have extensive expertise in this technology
Before creating JazzTeam, our founder Dzmitry Harachka was professionally engaged in Java development on international projects for many years. During this time, he learned that the Java platform is one of the most versatile and effective technologies for Agile-oriented IT services. Focusing on Java allowed JazzTeam to occupy its niche and be in demand on the market. JazzTeam quickly reached a stable flow of orders and accumulated a pool of regular customers who were completely satisfied with our service and greatly appreciated our work. We have maintained strong partner relationships over many years with several of them.
By focusing on one technology, we have created a real expert environment within the company. Our accumulated experience allows us to deeply analyze the product architecture, share best practices between different projects, and effectively solve technological problems, allowing us to do our job more professionally.
Our specialists professionally design extensible architectures using Java technology and various XP tools.
Our engineers are highly proficient in Java technology. Among other things, they have the following competencies:
- Deep understanding of OOP principles; constant use of a variety of pattern types, including those to do with integration
- Deep knowledge of various aspects of JSE and JEE, practical experience with JMS, EJB, JPA, and JTA, etc., which allows the combination of innovations with the fundamentals of Java technology
- Creation of different types of Java solutions for a wide variety of runtimes, application servers, and runtime environments: console services, desktop programs, microservices, cloud solutions, Spring, J2SE, J2EE, SOA, and OSGi applications, etc.
- Extensive expertise in Reflection API and aspect programming (AspectJ, Spring AOP).
- Extensive work experience with complex third-party tools – javassist, asm, etc. All of this allows us to design more advanced frameworks and systems
- Proficiency in a full range of auto-testing tools: JUnit, TestNG, mock frameworks, and many others
- Systemic experience in profiling and combating memory leaks

You can read more about our expertise and technological competencies here.
Focusing directly on the chosen stack, in addition to our vast experience in Java server-side applications development, allows us to apply the best practices of this programming language to various aspects of our projects. We adhere strictly to engineering standards and approaches, have extensive experience in architecture building and software design, and constantly apply the best practices from the world of Java in other programming languages.
Our front-end developers always learn OOP and design patterns. When building the client-side logic (and not exclusively client-side) in JavaScript, they use architecture and pattern-based thinking from the world of Java. Applying JS frameworks (AngularJS, ReactJS, etc.) allows them to deeply understand how they function. They study their source code and repeat best practices when writing their own frameworks, which they create in an extensible OOP style following Java standards. The engineering approach to development is also consistently applied by our quality assurance specialists in the creation of automated testing frameworks. Thousands of automated tests we’ve written are easily maintainable and inexpensive, which allows our customers to save money in the long run.
When working with JazzTeam, you can be sure that your project will be handled by certified Java engineers with extensive experience in creating modular architectures, server programming, and Enterprise development.
2. We have built our own project management culture, which allows our customers to work with experienced and competent managers
We follow our own project management culture and use standardized and formalized processes. Our company instills this culture in every manager and encourages initiatives for its development and improvement. Due to competently structured processes and professional management, all the projects our company participated in were successfully completed.
Strong management is an important part of all our services. Active participation of a project manager initiated by our company does not contradict the Agile approach or the full-fledged self-organization of а team. A project manager in JazzTeam is also a Scrum Master acting as a mentor and leader. Their main task is to coordinate the interaction with the customer and monitor the team performance. This means facilitating communication and setting up processes on our part. Our managers constantly monitor the atmosphere in their teams and make things possible so that each specialist feels the importance of their work and involvement in the overall success of the team. This motivates our teams and contributes to their stability.
JazzTeam managers have extensive experience in improving and building processes from scratch, introducing necessary task tracking and test management tools, and applying best product development management practices.
As our experience shows, this approach facilitates the improvement of process efficiency and allows us to reduce non-production costs of engineers, resulting in cheaper product development for you.
Our professional management and aligned processes help to avoid a variety of risks. JazzTeam managers always analyze possible risks, initiate their joint discussion with a customer, and develop effective response strategies.
Regular meetings, work results demonstration, and constant feedback contribute to achieving a common vision resulting in a product that fully meets customer expectations.
3. JazzTeam projects are always completed on time through proper estimation and timely risk prevention
JazzTeam has established a culture of task decomposition and estimation at the value level. We decompose and estimate each task of the project plan, then carefully monitor the budget and inform the customer in advance about the risks of deviation from the estimation, as well as offer solutions to the problem encountered. JazzTeam invests in the development of long-term relationships, in which transparency and openness are the most valued qualities. That’s why it’s important for us to develop a culture of discussing different risks and response strategies jointly with the customer. This approach facilitates mutually beneficial cooperation with no hidden problems, prevents the need for significant unplanned expenses, and has a positive impact on the product quality.
Our engineers adhere to the principle of realism and independently analyze and evaluate their tasks so they can achieve the necessary results on time without stress and within a fixed working day. This means you will always be aware of what is happening on the project at any given time.
To strictly adhere to estimations within the team, we follow the Red Flag rule adopted at the level of the company’s business processes. This involves timely escalation to the manager responsible for progress on the project. If an employee realizes that they cannot complete the task in the estimated time, they “throw a red flag” – or inform the manager about the difficulties. This allows us to find the optimum solution in a short time and foresee possible risks. By using this rule, our company intelligently allocates and spends resources, thereby keeping to the customer’s budget.
We strive to complete the work exactly within the stated time. Thanks to the above approaches to project management and strong management, the actual time spent as compared to the initial estimation for T&M projects in our company does not exceed 20%.
4. We are guided by flexible project management methodologies that allow us to establish transparent communication and ensure fast deliveries
JazzTeam applies flexible methodologies on three levels:
- On the strategic level – being guided by Agile philosophy
- On the tactical level – building processes according to Scrum methodology
- On the operational level – applying eXtreme programming tools and techniques (eXtreme Programming, XP).
Relying on Agile methodology and CI/CD, we immediately integrate continuous integration and delivery into the project workflow. This means that we ensure fast deliveries in the early development stages. Our customers can concentrate on important business goals and promptly receive new versions of IT solutions for testing by targeted groups. For creating the most important and in-demand functionality (MVP), our team is constantly in sync with the product owners on your side.
We build processes according to Scrum methodology in all of our services. Our managers adopt regular meetings and stand-ups on all projects, which significantly increases the level of team synchronization. They ensure the complete self-organization of a team through retrospectives, in which misunderstandings and problems arising in the team are promptly resolved. They also perform regular demos of new functionalities to the entire team to achieve a common understanding of the current statuses on a project. All this has a positive effect on product quality and management transparency.
In addition to these benefits, Scrum is an excellent organizational framework for company operations as we were able to make sure of during our 10-years of using it. Scrum methodology is the operational basis for all JazzTeam business units, including those not related to software development (marketing, accounting, administration). Our company has created a “Scrum rules” document, which summarizes and formalizes the rules of using Scrum methodology tools (Scrum board) and events (standups, retrospectives). Having studied this guide, JazzTeam specialists quickly learn how to work with Agile methodologies and apply these practices to their daily work.

Our engineers apply the best practices of eXtreme programming. Constant code review, collective code ownership, pair programming, and unified code style are the approaches which help our teams to create products with a well-defined and logical architecture and easy-to-read and extensible code. Definition of Done, memory maps, and brainstorming sessions are necessary and natural tools for our employees to improve their performance.
By applying the eXtreme programming principles, we significantly reduce the cost of development, testing, and further support of the systems we create. As a result of our constant communication with the customer, we clearly understand their priorities and provide exactly the product they want in a timely manner.
5. We implement best development practices (CI/CD, Unit testing, test automation) to stick to the customers’ budget
Effective use of Agile approaches requires value-based thinking, constant use of best engineering practices, a high level of knowledge and experience, a certain self-discipline, and strategic planning for the future. All this forms our standard approach to work. We have been focusing on Agile software development methodologies using an extensive tool set of Java technology engineering practices ever since the company was founded
A high level of engineering and constant application of the best approaches to development and testing are key to the sustainability and flexibility of the products we develop. Components designed by our engineers have a low coupling degree, which allows us to build application architectural layers clearly separable from each other. Due to the engineering approach, we professionally refactor complex, hard-to-maintain code and ensure a high level of reuse of developed components. All this allows a reduction of the cost of product support and involvement of new specialists in a project.
In IT product development, we rely on OOP, various design patterns, recognized architectural paradigms, and integration approaches, all of which allow us to ensure a high level of reuse of created modules. In addition, our engineers have expertise in creating projects in the plugin paradigm. Also, we professionally apply best practices and approaches to development and testing, such as Model Driven Development, Test Driven Development, and Data Driven Testing.
Our specialists use engineering approaches and practices in their work. On all projects, we first of all implement continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD), or at the very least significantly improve these processes, if any. Implementation of CI/CD includes continuous application of the best development practices by engineers: it establishes a single coding style in the team, as well as systematic creation of Unit tests. By introducing CI/CD and the best development practices, we improve the technological side of a product and contribute to the optimization and improvement of processes on customer projects.
When we find bottlenecks in the product, we apply autotests to that part of the code. The autotests we create are integrated into CI/CD processes right from the start and become immediately useful. Due to the implementation of autotests, a product owner can make sure at any time that the key functions of the system are working properly and avoid huge expenses on manual quality control and lengthy product stabilization. If there is a need to test a large amount of input data, we use the Data Driven Testing approach.
Timely implementation of CI/CD ensures predictability and stability of product function and reduces the cost of its further support. With continuous integration and delivery set up, developer-written modules are immediately built into the system and pass daily testing, which makes it possible to arrange regular product deliveries with complete confidence in the high quality of product versions.
6. We are proactive and always happy to consult customers, which adds value to cooperating with us
In our company, customer relations are not limited to the “contractor-customer” concept. During our cooperation, we often consult business owners and representatives. We immerse them in complex concepts and practices of IT processes and infrastructure and explain to them how small investments in technical debt handling here and now will be returned in the form of stability and scalability of the product in the future.
While working on a project, we always propose new ideas and solutions that can bring additional value to the customer. In addition, you can get professional advice from our founder on improving business processes and the technical side of projects.
We know how to improve processes and return your control to development. Due to our extensive experience, we are adept at solving the most complex technological and process problems. Our team ensures a painless, gradual exit from the technological crisis and optimizes processes on a project while preserving the important foundations of your business. Positive changes become a powerful trigger for changing the mindset of the team, contribute to further product improvement, and, as a result, transition your company to the next level. As a result of cooperation with us, your product will get a new lease of life.
7. JazzTeam members value their customers and do everything they can to successfully complete a project
When necessary, and when requested by a customer, our managers begin escalation in a timely fashion by using the expertise of other managers or involving the company’s management on the project. The company’s management, including the founder, are excellent technical experts. This means that the complex issues you would like to discuss with the management will not just be heard, they will actually be analyzed and reviewed at a systemic level before being resolved.
JazzTeam regularly holds weekly managers meetings, at which specialists share their insights and challenges gained on the project. So, by working with us, you will get access to management expertise accumulated over 10 years of the company’s work.
JazzTeam expertise
- We work with large telecommunications companies located all over the world. In particular, we have experience in creating various IT solutions for well-known mobile operators and service providers (Omnitel, O2, and Vodafone);
- As subcontractors, we have worked with well-known companies such as Samsung and Rostelecom;
- Our specialists have participated in developing software for Sopera, British Telecom, and Datalex;
- We have experience in creating our own products, including commercial ones. One of them is XML2Selenium. It is a Java-based expandable platform for creating and monitoring automated tests. With this framework, even QA engineers without programming experience can create UI tests. The product is integrated with JUnit, and works on top of Selenium;
- One of JazzTeam’s strengths is creating integration solutions with Mule. This allows us to perform various kinds of integrations without much expense.