Trust your product development to JazzTeam professionals

JazzTeam provides a high-level service for creating IT solutions. Working on major customer business challenges, we take a comprehensive approach to issues related to development, testing, management, and CI/CD implementation. The time-tested model of services rendering combined with the excellent technological level of employees and professional management allows us to successfully complete the most complex projects.

78% of our clients are regular customers. Having worked with us once, they continue cooperating with JazzTeam for several years. Customers appreciate our sincerity and proactivity, engineering approach to development and high expertise in process building. We aspire to establish strong relationships, in which we develop one product or create several solutions for a customer with our stable and well-coordinated team. By choosing JazzTeam, you give your preference to a service provider with a proactive approach. During our cooperation, we analyze the product comprehensively and offer new ideas and solutions that bring additional value to our customers.

Product development by JazzTeam professionals
Product development by JazzTeam professionals

Working with us, you can be sure that your project will be handled by experienced engineers. Java is our key area of expertise, but we are not limited to only server-side technology and actively apply other languages. Constantly using Java to create backends and integration solutions, we have experience in building backends in Node.js, frequently use Groovy (both for scripting and for creating complete backends), as well as Kotlin. We are proficient in technologies historically associated with the Java ecosystem (XML, XSLT, XSD) and professionally use JavaScript and related web technologies: HTML5/JS/CSS, AJAX, Angular.js, React.js, Redux. Our engineers have strong R&D (research & development) expertise, design complex systems, solve non-trivial problems to create innovative products. The teams of JazzTeam develop stable functioning systems that fully meet the required level of quality and customer expectations.

In project management, our company uses flexible methodologies based on Agile and eXtreme Programming. Guided by Scrum practices, we use short iterations and seek constant feedback from the customer. This approach allows our customers to receive and evaluate the first significant results of the work in just 2 weeks after the start of cooperation, and to make sure of the transparency of our processes.

Interesting cases

Our strengths

1. Engineering approach to development (engineering, not just coding)

Engineering approach to development (engineering, not just coding)JazzTeam has established a value-based engineering approach to creating IT solutions. We always start the development process with the product architecture design, make UML diagrams (deployment, classes, sequences, components, etc.) that are necessary for achieving a common vision of the concept and functionality of the product between the team and the customer. Our specialists use engineering approaches and practices in their work. On all projects we first of all implement Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) or significantly improve the existing Continuous Integration and Delivery processes. When we find bottlenecks in the product, we cover this part of the code with automated tests. If there is a need to test a large amount of input data, we use the Data Driven Testing approach.

2. Strong expertise in Java technology with the transfer of best practices to other technology areas

Strong expertise in Java technology with the transfer of best practices to other technology areasSince the founding of JazzTeam, we have been focused on developing Java-based IT solutions. Our founder Dzmitry Harachka is a Java expert who has been working in this area for more than 17 years. During these years, he progressed from an engineer to a company owner. With a huge experience in Java, our founder instills best development practices to the company’s engineers on a value level. JazzTeam specialists professionally design extensible architectures using Java technology and various XP tools.

Focusing exactly on the chosen stack and our vast experience in Java server-side applications development allows us to apply the best practices of this programming language to various aspects of our projects.

Adhering to engineering standards and approaches, we have extensive experience in architecture building and software design and constantly apply the best practices from the world of Java in other technological areas.

Our frontend developers learn OOP and design patterns. When building client-side logic in JavaScript, they use architecture and pattern-based thinking from the world of Java. Applying JS frameworks (AngularJS, ReactJS, etc.), they deeply understand their functioning, study the source code of popular Open Source solutions, and repeat best practices while creating their own frameworks in an extensible OOP style, following Java standards. The engineering approach to development is also consistently applied by our quality assurance specialists in the creation of automated testing frameworks. Thousands of automated tests we’ve written are easily maintainable and do not require large expenses, saving customers’ money in the long run.

3. Implementation of CI/CD in all projects

Implementation of CI/CD in all projectsTimely implementation of CI/CD ensures predictability and stability of product functioning and reduces the cost of its further support. With configured Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery process, developer-written modules are immediately built into the system and are tested on daily basis (Unit, integration, and regression testing), which makes it possible to arrange regular deliveries with complete confidence in the high quality of product versions.

Implementation of CI/CD includes continuous application of best development practices by engineers: it establishes a single coding style in the team, as well as systematic creation of Unit tests.

Thus, by introducing CI/CD and the mentioned practices into a project, we improve the technological side of the product and contribute to the optimization and improvement of processes in customers’ projects.

JazzTeam implements CI/CD iteratively and painlessly, effectively overcoming learned helplessness and resistance of team members. We implement the full Continuous Integration cycle with Jenkins/Hudson (and any other CI/CD tools) and automate project building with Maven. If necessary, we use Docker and other container technologies for deployment automation.

4. Using best development practices

Using best development practicesIn IT product development, we rely on OOP, various design patterns, recognized architectural paradigms and integration approaches, it allows us to ensure a high level of reuse of created modules. In addition, our engineers have expertise in creating projects in the plugin paradigm. Also, we professionally apply best practices and approaches to development and testing, such as Model Driven Development, Test Driven Development, Data Driven Testing. By using the best engineering approaches, we create stable, scalable and easily maintained IT solutions. From the very beginning, we implement CI/CD for making regular deliveries. Following the principles of eXtreme Programming, our developers create functionality with a logical architecture, easy-to-maintain and readable code.

When starting a complex task, our engineers always perform decomposition and estimation, which helps them to solve technology related problems gradually and cost-effectively. This approach allows us to provide a guaranteed result in time, and the customer – to be aware of the status of tasks and understand what he is paying for at the moment.

Continuous knowledge sharing and lifelong learning are a constant part of our culture. JazzTeam has developed a methodology for retaining experience and reusing it between projects. If any of our teams have questions or difficulties, the entire technological expertise of the company accumulated over many years of work can be used to solve them.

We have also created an effective experience transfer system with the help of reference projects, which transfer best development practices to engineers and help specialists to effectively dive into new projects.

JazzTeam has developed its own training program for Java engineers, QA engineers (including Test Automation engineers) and DevOps engineers. The unified IT education system allows to continuously enrich employees with new experience and effectively transform education methods and plans. The program is constantly updated according to up-to-date trends and standards. As a result, we can guarantee that the knowledge of our technical specialists meets the current requirements and demands of our customers.

5. Strong management and aligned processes

Strong management and aligned processesJazzTeam applies its own project management culture and uses standardized and formalized processes. Our company instills this culture in every manager and encourages initiatives for its development and improvement. Due to competently structured, formalized processes and professional management, all projects in which our company participated were completed successfully.

Strong management is an important part of our services. Active participation of a project manager initiated by our company does not contradict Agile approaches and full-fledged self-organization of the team. The project manager in JazzTeam is also a Scrum Master acting as a mentor and leader. His main task is to coordinate the interaction with the customer and control the team performance. This includes facilitating communications and setting up processes from our side. Our managers provide a high level of process management on a project, introduce necessary task tracking and test management tools, and apply best management practices for product development. As practice shows, this approach contributes to the improvement and efficiency of processes on a project and reduces the non-production costs of engineers resulting in cheaper product development for you.

When necessary and when requested by a customer, our managers timely begin escalation, including using the expertise of other managers or involving the company’s TOP management in the project. JazzTeam regularly holds weekly meetings for managers, at which specialists share insights and challenges gained on a project.

Thus, working with us, you get access to the management expertise accumulated over 10 years of company’s work.

In all our services we use flexible approaches: apply Agile philosophy and build processes according to Scrum methodology. Our managers adopt regular meetings and stand-ups on all projects, which significantly increases the level of team synchronization. We ensure the complete self-organization of the team through retrospectives, in which misunderstandings and problems arising in the team are promptly resolved. Regular demos of new functionality in front of the entire team facilitate a common understanding of the current statuses on the project.

6. Professional consulting

Professional consultingAt different stages of the project life cycle, customers may face difficulties, questions, and additional risks. Regardless of the type of rendered service, in such cases we always discuss and solve customers’ problems and share our experience. However, there are situations when customers need professional consulting service. Consulting can be combined with coaching and presence of our specialists in the customer’s office for a more in-depth audit and transfer of experience. Consulting is a highly demanded service in our company, which brings excellent results. The effect of such cooperation is not only an improvement of the technical side of a product itself, but also of the customer’s business in general: from teamwork organizing to increasing business profitability.

In the most difficult situations or at the initiative of the customer’s TOP management, our founder Dzmirty Harachka (providing IT consulting services as an independent expert, gets involved in solving complex issues on a project.

Services types of the IT solutions

JazzTeam provides a thorough and comprehensive service for the design, customization, development, and integration of IT products. We are intently focused on creating high-tech solutions to effectively achieve all of our customers’ business goals and will actively participate at every stage of your projects.

Services types of the IT solutions development
Software development services
Product development Custom software development Software reengineering Software integration services Early-stage innovation Software maitenance and support IT consulting

Backed by extensive international experience and high competence of our employees, we offer the following development-related services:

1. Product Development

We create scalable, stable products that customers can easily maintain on their own with minimal additional effort. Our team initially provides a high level of code coverage with easily extensible automated tests, in addition to creating all the required documentation. We will also include manuals on the use of our systems. The IT solutions we develop have a modular architecture and loose coupling of components, which allows us to ensure the effective implementation of new product features.

2. Custom Software Development

We develop and optimize various IT solutions for specific customer needs, which leads to the constant improvement of processes and increase of business efficiency. The service also includes various customizations of out-of-the-box solutions, including Open Source.

3. Software Reengineering, Refactoring and Modernization. Cloud Migration

Our service includes application reengineering using the best and most up-to-date development practices. During system modernization, we evaluate the state of a product in terms of the architecture, the technologies used, and processes executed, and propose a variety of options for further code development. Before we start manipulating the codebase, we always try to create the necessary Unit and Data Driven tests to control the stability of the system during subsequent changes. All problems found are covered by Unit tests to prevent the recurrence of any fixed bugs. By doing so, we ensure regression testing of our fixes in all versions of your product, making the refactoring process more stable.

Due to our engineering approach, we professionally refactor complex, hard-to-maintain code and ensure an optimum level of reuse of developed components. All this reduces both the cost of product support and the involvement of new specialists on a project.

Our company also provides cloud architecture development services, integration with cloud services of Amazon, Windows Azure and other PAAS providers, and migration of your applications between cloud providers. If using the Cloud doesn’t fit into your privacy requirements, we can organize scalability by clustering on your servers.

4. Software Integration Services

JazzTeam has unrivalled experience when it comes to developing integration applications. When creating solutions such as these, we use the company’s collective expertise to build the architecture of complex IT products. Our specialists professionally design extensible, easily integrated (including plugin) architectures, and use different integration paradigms such as SOA, Microservices, various Message Brokers, and ESB (RabbitMQ, ActiveMQ, Apache Camel, and Apache Kafka). JazzTeam engineers have expertise in applying of the MuleESB integration platform, and when necessary hold pass the «MuleSoft Certified Developer: Integration and API Associate» certification. Over our many years of working with MuleESB, we have gained extensive experience in creating commercial Mule connectors.

Our team has expertise in integrating various applications with platforms such as Salesforce, Zoho CRM, and Magento.

5. Early-Stage Innovation, R&D Services

Our company solves complex, non-trivial problems that require long-term research, using a non-typical technology stack or a combination of technologies. It is very often the case in the early stages of product creation. JazzTeam has developed a unique approach to solving complex research problems. Our engineers start their work with decomposition: a breakdown into subtasks lasting 1-2 hours. In the following weeks, they perform this research every day for 1 hour a day, which in the end leads to excellent results. Practice shows that without getting hung up on one problem, a solution can be found faster. The application of this practice allows performing effective research within a limited budget.

We have substantial experience in technological research, effectively work on projects where a customer doesn’t yet have a clear idea of the ways of implementing specific solutions to achieve a business goal. In such cases, we perform the necessary research building a technological foundation. Then, in subsequent iterations, we can proceed to implementation or stop cooperation at this phase and provide a customer with a detailed expert analysis, estimation, architecture or prototype of the future product.

We solve complex R&D tasks. Here are some examples of such activities:
  • Professional secure refactoring of complex systems using Data Driven Testing.
  • Reverse engineering of projects for future expansion and customization.
  • Creation of expansible plugin systems.
  • Creation of DSL languages and frameworks of various complexity for project needs.
  • Creation of plugins for Eclipse.
  • Extensive experience in modifying source code, customizing various libraries and frameworks such as Spring, Struts, Hibernate, Seam.
6. Software Maintenance and Support Services

After completing a product, a customer may have new ideas for changing or improving the system according to current needs. Due to our approaches and principles, we effectively solve product maintenance and support tasks.

Our company from the beginning thinks through and ensures the simplicity and ease of further development of the application. At an early stage of development, we embed Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery into the project workflow. For continuous controlling of the system stability, our team professionally implements processes that allow prompt influencing of the product quality, and provide the customer with the necessary test management tools.

As part of this service, in addition to creating new functionality and fixing bugs in the application, we also maintain automated tests, create the artifacts required for manual testing, implement CI/CD, and work through technical debts. All of this allows us to effectively develop and modify the product. We also accompany the developed system with the necessary documentation describing its work, create installation and operation manuals.

7. IT Consulting

Problems related to the technical side of a product (such as non-scalability, poor quality, unstable releases) can lead to additional risks that negatively affect profitability and business development. The creation of a strategy for such problems resolution requires considerable managerial and technical experience. In such a situation, a business owner needs the help of specialists with an independent view of the specific situation and the project as a whole, who can offer the most effective and safe ways for getting out of the situation.

Our company solves various problems related to the technical side of a product:

  • instability of applications, bugs in production;
  • accumulation of a large number of bottlenecks;
  • irregular, unstable releases of new versions of the product (due to the absence of CI/CD);
  • complicated and labor-consuming product development as a consequence of the high cohesion of legacy code components.

Working with us, you will not only get a strategy to solve these problems, but also the services of a personal manager who will manage the process of implementing improvements in your company. In the most difficult situations or at the initiative of the clients’ top business managers, our founder Dzmitry Harachka (also providing IT consulting services as an independent expert, gets involved in solving complex issues on a project.

Working with JazzTeam, you get not only a high-quality product, but also a comprehensive solution for the issues related to test and release management. During IT solutions development, we provide professional Manual and Test Automation services and implement Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) in all projects.

We will choose the best option for cooperating with JazzTeam based on your needs

If you are not yet sure what kind of services you would like to receive, we will find the best option for cooperating based on your needs and wishes. Based on the most popular JazzTeam customer requests, we have identified the typical customer needs in the field of software development. We are sure that among them you will find exactly what your project needs.

We can start cooperation on one or more of your requests and further develop the relationships according to changing priorities and requirements. As practice shows, often solving a particular small problem grows into a productive cooperation during which our team implements several projects for one customer. Regardless of the scope of the task and the number of specialists you need, the level of our services is uniformly high, as you can see for yourself.

Types of Software created by JazzTeam

Our company has the significant experience of creating various types of applications for B2B and B2C markets. We are experts in Enterprise development, creating business process automation systems and highly demanded e-commerce solutions. JazzTeam has high competence in the development of integration solutions for various spheres. We also professionally develop payment and billing systems, warehouse accounting applications, and supply chain management systems.

We specialize in the development of the following software types:

  • Integration solutions;
  • Social Media Analysis/Crawling;
  • Payment & Billing Systems;
  • Workflow Management and Business Process Automation;
  • ERP/CRM systems;
  • Document Management Systems (DMS);
  • Expense and Cost Management;
  • SCM, OMS, IMS, Warehouse.

In addition, we have experience in developing the following solutions:

  • SaaS solutions;
  • Content Management Systems (CMS);
  • Social networks;
  • Expert systems, data analysis, visualization;
  • Teaching systems;
  • Blockchain Solutions.

Our technological competencies

Over the years of working on numerous projects, we have accumulated serious technological competence. One of our greatest strengths is server Java development. We create different types of Java solutions for a wide variety of application servers and execution environments. We also develop cloud solutions, microservices, desktop programs, console services, have experience with the SOA paradigm and use of the OSGI standard. Our company provides full coverage of current Java technologies and standards. JazzTeam specialists use deep knowledge of various aspects of J2SE and J2EE, have practical experience with JMS, JPA, JTA, etc., that allows combining innovation with the fundamentals of Java technology.

Our main technological competencies:

  • Development, implementation and support of cloud solutions; Migration to Cloud; Cloud Enablement, Migration, Implementation;
  • IoT, Geo-fencing, Smart City;
  • Java backend development;
  • Big Data/ETL and BI/Data Science;
  • Test automation;
  • Web development;
  • Scalable projects. Containerization and microservices;
  • Development and integration of applications based on Mule technology;
  • Continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD);
  • Social Media Analysis.

We also have expertise in the following technological areas:

  • Robotic process automation (RPA);
  • Applications integration with SalesForce;
  • Machine learning, artificial intelligence;
  • Solutions based on SOA architecture and OSGi specification;
  • Development and customization of Open Source solutions;
  • Low-Code, No-Code application development platforms (OutSystems, etc.);
  • Blockchain technologies and solutions.
Our technological competencies
Our technological competencies

Our experts use a wide range of working tools and frameworks:

  • Excellent knowledge of most of the top frameworks (web and general purpose), including Spring MVC, GWT, Vaadin, Grails, Play, Akka, Seam, Struts, Apache Spark;
  • Proficiency in all important components of Spring technology — MVC, Security, Cloud, Boot, Integration, Roo, Batch, WebServices, Social, AMQP, AOP;
  • Intensive use of other popular frameworks and libraries, such as Hibernate, RabbitMQ, Apache Camel, Drools, Apache Karaf, Apache Zookeeper, Apache CXF, Apache Felix;
  • Experience in creating our own Java-based frameworks, practical experience in extensible plugin development.

To learn more about programming languages, tools, and frameworks JazzTeam works with, go to the Technologies page.

Business domains

JazzTeam has accumulated serious industry expertise working with large companies and startups from Europe and US. We have extensive experience in developing solutions for telecommunications and financial industries, create systems for e-commerce and marketing, successfully implement projects for public sector companies, and develop applications for travel and telecom. Over the years we have implemented more than 100 large-scale long-term projects.

How we work

Our company provides various IT products development services. We often cooperate with customers simultaneously in several service areas and work in different service combinations.

For example, we combine backend development and manual testing or frontend development, test automation and project management.
How we work
How we work
Iterative development process
Iterative development process

Being always ready to adjust to the client’s needs, we jointly work out the optimum cooperation model:

  • Working within a single service (database design, architecture development or technical support).
  • Providing several types of services (integration and refactoring).
  • We offer a full range of services (you want to order a project from scratch, including consulting, management, development, testing, CI/CD implementation).

JazzTeam specialists can also collaborate with your development team to create new versions of your IT solution, implement best engineering practices, provide coaching, or improve processes.

The essentials of our effective service:

1. Transparency

Our company culture has adopted a standard of transparency and honesty both with the customer and within the team. We don’t gloss over problems, handle risks competently and timely. We don’t create the impression of perfect efficiency, but honestly talk about situations arising on a project and are willing to accept mistakes. With this approach, we never make unpleasant surprises to the customer: they are always aware of the situation on the project.

2. Flexibility

We are able to adjust to specific customer needs and optimize our work with regard to their wishes.

3. Continuous project monitoring

Regardless of the project features, our team always includes a professional manager, who always keeps you informed about what’s happening on the project. Due to this approach, the level of service provided by our company is always uniformly high.

4. Saving the customer’s money

Using the best engineering practices, timely applying the «Red Flag» rule, decomposing and estimating tasks, we rationally use the customer’s time and money.

5. Proactivity and professional consulting

While working on a project, we always offer new ideas and solutions which can bring additional value to the customer. In addition, you can get professional advice from our founder on improving business processes and the technical side of projects.

The essentials of our effective service

You can begin working with JazzTeam from one service and, after making sure of the effectiveness of cooperation, add other types of services in the future. This practice is often used in cases where customers have a negative experience of working with a service company or concerns about delegating improvement of the technical side of a large business to an unfamiliar company. For example, on one project, a customer asked us for advice on how to improve the product development process. After a series of consultations, in addition to solving the main issue, it became evident that there was a need to eliminate technical debts (such as implementing CI/CD, writing Unit tests, covering the UI part with autotests). Our team proposed the customer to add additional services to be able to solve the main business challenge — scaling the product and bringing the company to the new level. The customer agreed to include working on the technical debt in the plan, and our team successfully completed these tasks. Such fruitful cooperation inspired the trust of the customer, as a result, they initiated the involvement of our developers in the project for further development of the product functionality.

Working with JazzTeam, you choose the degree of your involvement in a project: from receiving detailed statuses from our managers to participating in daily stand-ups with the whole team and retrospectives at the end of iteration. Professional approach to our work allows us to steadily make high-quality software deliveries, achieve goals within the stated deadlines and keep the team’s productivity at a high level throughout the project.

Our 5 principles and approaches to help you save money on development

Our 5 principles and approaches
Our 5 principles and approaches

A value-based approach and continuous use of best practices by engineers and managers significantly reduce product development costs. Below we will tell you about 5 approaches used in our company, which save the project budget, improve the product quality, and simplify its further support.

1. Thorough product design before writing code

During the first iterations, our specialists perform analysis, design the product, create the necessary schemes and diagrams, and only after reaching a common vision with the customer, they begin writing code. In this case, an important step is the creation of an MVP – minimum viable product, which allows us to verify the hypotheses generated during the design and requirements collecting. This strategy saves a lot of money in the future: it allows implementing only the necessary functionality and fully meeting customer's expectations. A product created by our engineers brings real business value and doesn’t need constant changes and rewriting code from scratch. Thus, competent design can save the customer’s time and budget.

2. Early implementation of CI/CD

Early implementation of CI/CD provides a lot of opportunities for budget saving:

  • Thanks to CI/CD, bugs are systematically detected at an early stage of development, which significantly reduces the chance of serious risks for a customer. Among other things, continuous integration and delivery helps to avoid reputational and financial losses resulting from bugs after the product is delivered to production.
  • CI/CD allows for the rapid implementation of business functions that can be used by a customer while product development continues. It is achieved by frequent commits, instant autotesting, and regular deliveries provided by this practice. A customer can check the effectiveness of the implemented solution much faster, which that helps to save the budget and create a product that will be really popular among users.
  • CI/CD facilitates monitoring and improving the development team’s productivity by formalizing and systematizing processes on a project. CI/CD disciplines engineers, requires following certain rules (Code Style), using best development practices (Test Driven Development, Unit Testing), daily updating of a common code branch, and strict adherence to processes. A customer can easily make sure of the engineers’ productivity and correct allocation of labor costs: he or she can always see the results achieved by the team and individual specialists during a certain period of time. Also, automation of a large number of actions that were performed manually results in an increase of the team’s productivity and reduction of possible mistakes in a product due to the elimination of the human factor.
  • CI/CD is the first step towards the prevention of technical debts. Over time, regular work on technical debt becomes an ever more necessary and very time-consuming task, requiring significant investments. Eliminating technical debts during each iteration should be the norm for the entire team, otherwise, it could lead to a situation where it will be impossible to develop the product and increase sales. The sooner CI/CD is implemented, the smaller will be the technical debt, and therefore the cost of its elimination.
3. Test automation

Bugs in software at the production stage can result in huge costs for business. So, it is very important to constantly and timely perform comprehensive testing to ensure the stable performance of a product. With tight deadlines and frequent software updates and developments, it is difficult to organize a thorough quality control with manual testing. The solution is test automation.

Test automation is an essential and integral part of continuous integration allowing to stabilize product performance and save time and money for checking its quality. It is the most effective solution for identifying mistakes at all stages of software life cycle and organizing regression testing.

Due to the implementation of autotests, a product owner can make sure at any time that the key functions of the system work properly and avoid huge expenses on manual quality control and lengthy product stabilization.

For quality assurance, we synchronize sets of test cases for manual testing and for automation and automate only the number of test cases that are really needed. This saves a lot of money on creating and implementing autotests.

4. Using the Data Driven Testing approach

Complex IT solutions (e.g., knowledge-intensive products, data processing applications in the telecom sphere) often require checking a large number of input and output combinations. Creating tests for each type of data can be too time-consuming and require big expenses for the work of a quality assurance specialist. This issue can be resolved effectively with the Data Driven Testing approach based on comparing a set of input parameters with a reference result or state. An important advantage of a well-designed DDT is the possibility to enter input values and a reference result in a convenient form for all project roles: engineers, manual testers and even Product Owners. It is possible to significantly reduce the cost of product testing by delegating the task of increasing the data set, for example, to a manual tester. With the implementation of DDT, a test written once can be used many times and will allow receiving a huge number of different data combinations. Therefore, in the case of bugs it is enough to enter a new data set without the need to create an autotest from scratch, which saves a lot on product testing.

We have expertise in this field, professionally implement this practice, which allows us to save the budget for testing while maintaining high product stability.

5. Timely forecasting and handling of possible risks by managers

Professional management and aligned processes help to avoid a variety of risks. JazzTeam managers always analyze possible risks, initiate their joint discussion with a customer and develop effective response strategies.

Proper communication management plays an important role in preventing problems related to customer dissatisfaction with the end result. Arranging regular meetings, demonstrating the results of the work performed, and constant feedback contributes to achieving a common vision resulting in a product that fully meets customer expectations. Such a result does not require additional investments and changes and certainly achieves the goal.

JazzTeam manager monitors the team’s progress and productivity, helps specialists to develop realism in task assessment and awareness of the impact of an individual module on the entire product performance. This helps to avoid the risks associated with estimation and delayed releases. Effective risk management in the long run can prevent enormous monetary costs.

Customers testimonials

Bram Cool
We now are in a much better position and detect bugs before our customers find them. The test automation frees our testers to focus on other quality aspects and new functionality. As a result, we offer our customers an even higher level of quality and stability of service.
Bram Cool, CEOEzwim, a global leader in Telecom Management, the Netherlands
Friedrich Boeckh
JazzTeam participated in innovative project I was supervising. A team shown high professional level in a matter of architectural design, Agile processes, unit testing and involvment at the project. You could trust JazzTeam engineers, rely on them and could expect high quality provided by Java experts.
Friedrich Boeckh, Managing Director, Infopulse GmbH, Information Technology and Services, Germany
Peter Reitsma
I had the privilege of working with some of JazzTeam's software engineers, both from remote as well as in their office. I was impressed by their professionality and high standards of Java software development. They practice 100% Scrum, work with continuous integration and delivery and use all the right tools. I was particularly impressed by their work attitude, keen problem solving and, not in the least, by their great team spirit.
Peter Reitsma, CEO, Plance, Web Development and Concepts, Netherlands
Dzianis Pomazau
With JazzTeam company we started develop the project based on GPS technologies, devices and specialized geolocation servers. JazzTeam team showed good R&D ability to develop and implement a mathematical approximation algorithm of geographic areas drawn on the maps. It was a nontrivial task and could cause high risks, but all tasks have been implemented on time or ahead of schedule...
Dzianis Pomazau, CEO, IDC Intech, Software development company, Vilnius, Lithuania
Michael O’Meara
We partnered with JazzTeam to expand our offshore team which allowed us to enhance our service offerings to our customers globally. Beginning with an initial project we were pleased with their efficient processes, good management, and high level of technical expertise they brought to the overall customer experience.
Michael O’Meara, Vice President, Infoview Systems Inc, the development of integration projects, Livonia, USA
Alexey Semeney
I had pleasure to work with JazzTeam in a development project for my company in USA. I am very satisfied with the work they have done. The communication was easy and really open-minded, the progress was as planned, and the results were above my expectation. There’s a manager who’s in constant contact with you and constantly gives you updates, clarifies the requirements and plans the sprint tasks and expected results. Will not hesitate to work with them again on future projects.
Alexey Semeney, CEO, DevTeam.Space, San Francisco, California

Video Testimonials

Our clients

Infoview Systems Inc.

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    Negotiation of your request and the required services.
    Team forming, coordination of workstages.
    Contract signing and project start.