Materials related to Celebration

Happy Programmers’ Day!

    Today JazzTeam congratulates all developers on the Programmer’s Day! The role of developers in the modern world is difficult to overestimate. You are the main innovators who create digital products and services, changing the lives of millions of people for..

    Happy QA Day!

      On the 9th of September the International QA Day is traditionally celebrated. And today, JazzTeam sincerely congratulates all QA specialists! Your hard work is very important, because without you a lot of software products would work incorrectly, with a lot..

      Office party for JazzTeam ladies

        International Women’s Day is one of the gentlest holidays of the year, after all we congratulate the most beautiful half of humanity: our women. On the eve of this spring holiday the man’s half of the office of JazzTeam organized..

        Love is… JazzTeam

          Saint Valentine’s Day is one of the sweetest, romantic and gentle days of the year. We know St. Valentine as a patron of all couples in love, but who said that such a romantic holiday can not be celebrated at..

          The celebration of the fifth anniversary

            On the 30-31 of July we celebrated the birthday of our company, but this time we had a special occasion – small, but the first JazzTeam company’s anniversary. We all gathered to congratulate the beloved company, and simply relax together!..