We are pleased to inform you that the famous Dutch Ezwim company successfully implemented our product for test automation XML2Selenium.

About the customer


Ezwim company is one of the companies which has successfully implemented our product! Ezwim is the European market leader for Telecom Management Technology. Ezwim has offices in the Netherlands (headquarters), USA, Great Britain, Germany, France and Belgium. Since 2001, Ezwim has helped many individuals, small businesses and global companies do exactly that with our telecom management cloud services. Ezwim was founded on a simple but powerful idea: organizations should have complete control over their mobile and fixed communications assets and costs, with the ability to administer their telecom infrastructure over the web from any browser. Our solutions are provided in over 42 countries and available for over 150 carriers. Ranging from Telecom Management applications to Telecom business process outsourcing we can deliver wherever you require.

About the product

XML2Selenium is an extensible, plug-in based platform for creation and control of the automated tests on the basis of Java technology. XML2Selenium is integrated with Maven, Jenkins, JUnit, Selenium. Also our developers has been realized integration XML2Selenium with BrowserStack service, which provides remote SeleniumRC server with the possibility of using different combinations of browsers and operating systems.

The product has a wide range of useful properties in the field of automation, such as support for tests video recording, snapshots (html page sources) and screenshots pages, Groovy, and JavaScript expressions, support for object-oriented programming in XML.

xml2selenium usage saas

The reason for the framework creation

Traditionally, QA testing is a poorly invested part of business; meanwhile, product complexity and the number of Use Cases is growing, and the companies come to a deadlock, when tests architecture reaches the level of application architecture. The same concerns the automation of testing. Often not programmers but testers are engaged in the creation of automated tests. Basically they haven’t enough qualifications to create a good OOP model of tests. And sometimes there aren’t enough time for their training. In this case, you can use the tool that allows general QA engineers with no programming background to create tests in a simple and understandable language. This tool is XML2Selenium framework. XML2Selenium has integration with JUnit, and runs over Selenium. To create tests you do not need to write complex code, it is sufficient to represent the test as a DSL language based on XML. Tests become demonstrative, easy to read, they can be written very quickly and easily modified.

Rendered services

We made a number of useful activities for Ezwim company during product implementation:

  1. Built the necessary testing infrastructure, implemented Continuous Integration methodology (servers administration, Jenkins adjustment to the customers needs, XML2Selenium run options management).
  2. Added integration with BrowserStack cloud testing service, which allows our customers to test their SAAS solutions for various combinations of browsers and operating systems (Windows + IE, Linux + Opera, Mac + Safari) without the expenses of creating a separate server infrastructure and Jenkins specific instances as means of Continuous Integration. In this integration we have included tunneling function (it allows using BrowserStack to test the application, which is available only by specific IP mask, without settings up IP filtering).
  3. Adapted definite functional features of the framework to the specific requirements of the tested application (work with several simultaneously opened modal windows, downloading and analysis of the file contents), made sure that the product fully supports the features of Oracle APEX – technologies, on the basis of which the tested SAAS solution was created.
  4. Created a basic set of XML2Selenium tests (about 50), which has allowed our customers in the early implementation stages to have Smoke and regression testing of important functionality. Already at the beginning implementation stage our technology helped to find several regression problems. Previously, these problems were found only through manual testing, which required much more time.
  5. Conducted study activities, trainings (including on-side), provided full XML2Selenium support (skype, email, resolved all arised issues in time).

Company’s achievements during the project

Thanks to integrating XML2Selenium in QA processes of Ezwim company:

  1. XML2Selenium implementation allowed Ezwim company to make further step towards full Continuous Integration/Delivery, that caused positive changes not only in testing, but also in software development, it impacts on all stages of the customer product life cycle.
  2. Ezwim testers without any Java knowledge were able to create and maintain current automated tests with minimum expenses.
  3. Using XML2Selenium reports allowed Ezwim to identify bugs and problem areas in the developed platform in quick time.
  4. Ezwim testers were able to save their time and focus on other important quality aspects.
  5. Ezwim company performs testing using integration with BrowserStack in any desired combinations of browser and operating system without additional efforts by Ezwim testers.
  6. Ezwim employees automated independently all regression test cases.


All Ezwim employees working with our product put value of XML2Selenium functionality and potential. Ezwim company management considers the cost of purchase and implementation of our product as a useful step in improving the quality and stability of processes, production and line of company SAAS solutions. Thereby, Ezwim company confirmed high rank of the leader in Telecom Management Technology.

Here are a few product testimonials:

Hein Remmen
Hein Remmen
Director Product ManagementEzwim, the European market leader for Telecom Management Technology, the Netherlands
The customer testimonial about project: Xml2selenium – the JazzTeam Company’s product

"Since we release new versions of our platform on a monthly basis, we spent a lot of time on manual regression tests.

JazzTeam completely automated our regression test set and put up the required testing infrastructure for us. Their XML2Selenium framework enables our testers to implement new test scripts without any Java knowledge. The XML2Selenium reports help us to quickly assess bugs and problem areas in our platform. The integration with BrowserStack allows us to test on all combinations of browser and OS that we want to support, without any extra effort.

JazzTeam provided excellent support and swiftly responded to all our questions and problems."

Bram Cool
Bram Cool
CEOEzwim, a global leader in Telecom Management, the Netherlands
The customer testimonial about project: Xml2selenium – the JazzTeam company's product

"We now are in a much better position and detect bugs before our customers find them. The test automation frees our testers to focus on other quality aspects and new functionality. As a result, we offer our customers an even higher level of quality and stability of service."

Contact Us

As you could see from the testimonials, the work with XML2Selenium platform is easy and quick, it saves time and money. Contact us and we will answer all your questions in the field of quality management and test automation. If:

  • You need a low entry cost tool for test automation. Even junior automation specialists and QA engineers without programming skills can create high-quality, easily supported and adjustable tests. It increases tests’ re-usability and reduce the costs of testers wages.
  • You want to improve your test management processes and have clear and easy visualization of test documentation using the built-in capabilities of tests structuring according to files, folders  and tags.
  • You want to have all test reports in accessibly-written, readable and convenient form.
  • You strive to find bugs effectively and quickly in the application which is being tested, having a built-in Continuous Integration with flexible adaptation to your processes, with the possibility of integration with BrowserStack (as an example), i.e. cheap cross-platform testing.
  • You need full integration with major open source tools such as Selenium, JUnit, Jenkins, Maven, Eclipse.
  • You want to work with plugin based, extensible platform that allows you to customize the processes for your needs – to create new plugins, establish integration with necessary systems and much more.
  • You want to have a test automation tool with a wide range of automation services, such as video recording, snapshots and screenshots, Groovy and JS scripting support, object-oriented programming in XML, and many others.

Then we’re the ones who will help you! Place reliance on the consummate professionals!