Hi, dear friends!
We are pleased to introduce you new feature of XML2Selenium. In version 1.24 we integrated BrowserStack testing platform!
BrowserStack is UI-testing cloud platform which allows users to make manual and automation testing on different browsers and operation systems. You can run your XML2Selenium tests on all desktop and mobile browsers, platforms and operation systems available on BrowserStack.
For running your tests using BrowserStack you only need to set several JVM parameters. If you already have XML2Selenium tests you do not need to change them. Following JVM parameters required for BrowserStack tests execution:
-Dxml2selenium.webDriverRunMode=remote – “remote” must be specified
-Dxml2selenium.serverUrl=https://user:key@hub.browserstack.com/wd/hub – connection string to BrowserStack with your user and key
used operation system and browser parameters:
-Dxml2selenium.browserstack.debug if true, BrowserStack will make a screenshot each second when your test runs
JVM parameters can be specified in command line for your maven of jenkins builds or directly in your IDE:
All screenshots, snapshots and reports work in full power, like with local testing. You can use all XML2Selenium features with BrowserStack.
If you want to test local application, deployed in your corporate network of locally, you can use secure tunneling. Follow this instructions and then specify JVM parameter for tunneling:
xml2selenium.browserstack.tunnel = (true/false) – allows to open secured tunnel to BrowserStack for testing local web-applications, which are not available in the Internet
Use XML2Selenium automation tests with BrowserStack and be sure that your application works correctly and stable for everybody, because each user with each browser is important for us. Have fun with XML2Selenium and BrowserStack!
For more information see our user manual and reference card.