Please check what is included into new version of XML2Selenium and switch to it in your development.
New functional of version 1.29
1) In all browsers the Behavior report performance was improved, the initial load of Behavior report page became faster by about 15-20%.
2) The new JVM-parameters for browser window size specifying were added:
- xml2selenium.browserHeigth, which determines the browser window height;
- xml2selenium.browserWidth, which determines the browser window width.
3) JVM-parameters presentation in the Technical report was improved: we added the description whether JVM-parameters were set by default or specified during tests run.

4) The new getSize action for <webelement> tag was added. It allows to get the number of web elements, which were returned byID, XPath, CSS or tagName selectors, and to place the received amount of web elements in a variable with name specified in returnValueName attribute.

5) Component that allows to go to the previous and next pages in browser history, it programmatically emulating buttons Back/Forward in the tests. This component was added in xml2selenium-helper-lib library.

6) The opening of test cases source code in a new window of Behavior report was implemented.
Problems fixed
1) In Business report the problem with incorrect links behavior Collapse All and Expand All in WebView was solved.
You are able to get more information about XML2Selenium if study information below:
In order to help you we published in public access a set of report XML2Selenium generates:
- Master – for product development we have created more than 600 tests and constantly add new. This is done for constant increase of coverage of product functionality. That makes it more stable and reliable. You could study that tests, they contain lots of useful examples.
- SmokeTest – Master always should be stable, but on a practice we always meet fail, error. In order to check different combinations we are supporting special set of tests (near 250) which shows all possible situations – failed tests, validation error and many others. Such build and tests allows us to make manual testing of our product before release. And also it allows us to create automated tests which cover SmokeTest reports. Such automated tests are written on XML2Selenium. Thus we cover own report by own and the same instruments, what means we constantly use XML2Selenium in practice. Please study the tests to understand which error situations could happen.
- SelfTesting – as it was said we are creating tests (now 150) covering our SmokeTest reports. That SelfTesting reports shows result of such tests, and helps us to cover as much as we could of our product with automated tests. This improves automated regression of tests.
- BestPractices – we created these tests especially for you! You are able to study how to work with XML2Selenium, using BestPractices reports and WebView functionality. All the tests are separated on 3 levels: Basic, Intermediate, Advanced. Every level has tests of such types: Basic tasks (everyday routine tasks), Iterative tests (show how to create tests step by step), Product features (shows nice features of XML2Selenium), Popular services (cover Twitter, YouTube and other services), and also WordPress tests (on the example of most popular CMS system WordPress show how to work with concrete product).
Documentation of XML2Selenium
- Full manual
- Reference card
- XSD schema, which required for auto-completion when tests are created
- Interactive guide
- XML2Selenium training video tutorials for beginning users
Support services:
Skype: xml2selenium
Email: xml2selenium@jazzteam.org