This year JazzTeam company party was completely full of fun, chatting and adventures. Our talented organizers, without changing the company’s habit of actively spending leisure time, managed to mix cultural events and sport activities.
The program started with a crazy kart racing! Some of our guys turned out to be a rather good and experienced racers, so they took an opportunity not only to demonstrate their skills to colleagues, but also to make several racing records! For newcomers among us, kart racing has simply become a new way to have fun, to let off steam and to feel an extreme of speed.
After karting, our friendly company was offered a hearty meal, followed by fun trials, an all-round quest called “Fort Boyard”. We have divided into two teams and entered a numerous competitions, such as tug of war, ropes and obstacle courses, climbing wall, laser tag, and even sailing under the suspension bridge! Especially memorable was an old man on the top of the climbing wall, for each climber he had a funny and not-simple quizzes. And at the end both our teams got the award: a chest with a delicious secret of teambuilding in it!
After dinner, tired and smiley Jazzteammates, enjoyed talented music of guitar and flute duet Ivanandajazz and the incredible vocals of Alexandra Pavlyukevich. Such an active day finished as positive as it had started, with lively dancing, bathhouse and barbeque.
The teamwork, mates support, common desire to achieve the goal and participation in such company events give a strong sense of team spirit, help to unite and to know their colleagues beyond the working hours. Company party of JazzTeam 6th anniversary undoubtedly was organized and celebrated at the highest level, and has brought only bright, positive emotions and pleasant memories of a warm company and active leisure!