Technical Articles

Getting started with BIRT

    BIRT (The Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools) is a project with an open source code, which supports reporting and business intelligence for web applications (especially based on Java and JavaEE). BIRT is a high-level project of an independent non-profit organization,..

    Validation using jQuery Validation Plugin

      jQuery Validation Plugin can check the form for the correctness of the filled data in accordance with the specified rules and dynamically displays user errors. Let’s consider the operation of the plugin using the example of a simple login and..

      Custom Filter in Hibernate Search

        Hibernate Search, as a full-text search tool, is an offshoot of well-known Hibernate library, that is designed for solving problems of object-relational mapping, and is integrated with full-text search tool for Apache Lucene. The frequent question is how to implement..

        Running tests with Karma and Jasmine manual

          Karma is a console tool for running tests, which can track source code changes and display the percentage of code tests coverage. It is adjusted using the configuration file karma.conf.js, where the paths to tested files and to the files..

          The most frequently used frontend tools manual

            This manual contains a description of useful and the most frequently used front-end tools. The process of installing tools and the main points of working with them are described here. Third-party libraries and plugins are often added during project development...

            Types and features of Mule connector testing

              Mule connector testing is a necessary step of its implementation. The following different types of testing are considered here: Functional tests, which purpose is to verify whether the connector’s behavior is right (the work of processors and methods that work..

              Best practices for Mule project

                In this document some best practices and remarks are gathered, which were determined by our engineers during their work on projects, where the integration platform MuleESB is used. 1)  Naming conventions. Mule flow by itself and its components should have..

                Best practices of designing REST API

                  Hello, dear readers! Before you start reading this article, I would like to describe the purpose of its creation, and tell you what prompted me to write it. Once, the need to design a server application in the REST style..

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