7000 Automated Tests for Geofence Marketing Ecosystem

  • Duration: 7 years
  • Industries: Marketing, Advertising, Sales; Media & Entertainment; IoT & Geofencing
  • Services: Test Automation Services; Project Management; CI/CD Implementation & Modernization. DevOps Services; Software Reengineering, Refactoring and Modernization. Cloud Migration; Software Maintenance and Support Services
  • Software Categories and Types: B2B Solutions
  • IT Architecture Paradigms and Approaches: Data Driven Testing (DDT); Software Frameworks Development; Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
  • Technical Expertise: Test Automation; Internet of Things (IoT), Geofencing, Smart City; Android Software Development
  • DevOps Expertise: CI/CD Basics; CI/CD Advanced; Virtual Machines; Docker; Selenoid
  • Technologies: JUnit / TestNG; Project Management, Collaboration and Bug Tracking; Git; Jira; Apache Maven; CI/CD Automation Servers; Jenkins; Selenoid; TestRail; Operating Systems; Linux; Appium; Test Management Tools; Selenium WebDriver; Gradle; IDE; Build and Dependency Platforms and Tools; Testing Frameworks; XPath; XML based technologies; Source Code Management (SCM); Test Automation; Firebase Test Lab; Open SSH; CI/CD and DevOps; Languages, Protocols, APIs, Network Tools; Network Tools; Software Engineering and Management Tools; Other Technologies; Android Studio; VNC (Virtual Network Computing); Espresso; UI Automator; Hamcrest
  • Team size (3):
  • 1 Project Manager
  • 2 QA Automation

Project summary

thumbnail-image The main goal of the project was to cover the client’s web and mobile applications with automated tests. With the help of Geofencing this application allows to attract potential buyers, located in a given radius from the object, and thus the business owner can get more benefit.

Geofencing is a contemporary service, that provides automatic detection and implementation of the planned action when the client’s mobile device enters or leaves a predesignated area.

The client creates an account in the application and when he enters a certain area (shopping centres, restaurants, casinos, etc.) he receives messages with advertising content on his smartphone or tablet. All you need to send and receive these messages is a mobile application and the GPS coordinates of the clients’s mobile device.

During the development of autotests for the web application, more than 6000 tests have been realized. It significantly increased the stability of releases. Moreover, the infrastructure for automatic building and application testing was created. While working on the project Jenkins, Virtual Network Computing (VNC) was used, and Linux server administration was carried out.

The mobile application was covered by automated Espresso and Appium tests, which were developed using Android Studio. To automatically run tests for the mobile application, Google’s Firebase Test Lab cloud infrastructure was used, which allows you to analyze the structure of the application’s user interface and automatically test it by simulating user actions. About 1000 automated Espresso and Appium tests were implemented for individual modules and pages of the Android application, which significantly increased the efficiency of the mobile testing process.


Selenium WebDriver, Virtual Network Computing (VNC), Jenkins, Git, Jira, TestNG, Maven, Linux, TestRail, XPath, Linux, Espresso, Appium, Firebase Test Lab, Android Studio, UI Automator, Gradle, JUnit, Hamcrest.


Project features

  • The integration of test automation system with TestRail (system for tests documentation managing and tracking execution and report metrics) was done.
  • On this project the full cycle of Continuous Integration was implemented.
  • The work was conducted with the customer, located in another time zone (9 hours difference).
  • Development was carried out in accordance with Scrum principles:
  • daily status meetings (stand up);
  • weekly planning, demo and the sprint summing up.

Project results

  • Coped with all the challenges successfully and on time.
  • Acted as a frontend development consultant: the problem of application components compatibility with different browsers have been resolved, various multimedia HTML5 features were implemented in the application, code refactoring was carried out.
  • In conditions of difficult multi-module architecture the new components implementation and support was successfully realized.

Test auto

Company’s achievements during the project

  • Data Driven Testing (DDT) was proposed and implemented. DDT is a testing approach, in which test data is stored separately from the script (in xls file)
  • The documentation was created and supported.
  • The processes formalization and creation of the required manuals allowed the development team and the customer to manage tests.


Alex Alexandrov
Alex Alexandrov
QA Manager, The leading provider of innovative mobile solutions for the casino gaming industry, Santa Clara, USA

"After initial project setup processes our venture became very efficient. You started this project with only 20 test cases being covered and after 1 year we had 700 of them. This changed our company’s strategy a lot. Your team became a key part of our test processes and earned great level of respect from our team and high management.

I also want to highlight high professional level of your team members. They have wide spectrum of knowledge in many technical software programming related skill, were able to analyze and resolve any issue we faced over this time. All technologies implemented by your team made us very strong and successful on highly competitive market of Silicon Valley.

Over all we are so happy about our mutual work and looking forward to increase our business with you, spreading it to other areas."

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