Practical Leadership Advice for IT Founders and Executives

Technical metrics for leaders without technical background

    It is recommended to track these metrics during every demo, every retrospective, once per iteration, or once per month. They help synchronize founders and the engineering team around the development culture. These metrics are useful both for team growth and..

    Test Manager’s Responsibilities: A Guide for Project Leaders

      It is quite rare to have a position on a project explicitly dedicated to Test Management. It is often assumed that the Head of QA (QA Manager, QA Lead, or Test Lead) is, by default, responsible for implementing everything outlined..

      Why your project needs CI/CD. Article for founders

        Every owner of an IT company strives to achieve high speed and quality of deliveries. And this is logical: the prompt update of the product and the effective use of resources ensure product competitiveness and payback. However, often in an..

        Task estimation and decomposition — important approaches to work for IT specialists

          Estimation and decomposition imply a preliminary assessment of tasks and breaking down various work activities into smaller subtasks. These approaches are implemented in JazzTeam at the level of daily work values and standards. Not only developers and QA specialists are..

          How do you know if your project is in danger

            Specially for our clients, we have prepared a checklist that will help you to determine if your project is in danger and provide a clear quantitative assessment of the complexity of the situation. In the process of creating this document,..

            Learned helplessness in IT: why is it dangerous and how to deal with it?

              In this article, we will explain the concept of learned helplessness, how it usually emerges in software development teams, and why it is dangerous. After carefully reading the text, you will delve into the context of this issue and get..

              Guidelines for the retrospective facilitator

                This article is intended primarily for retrospective facilitators. The guidelines describe the mechanics of a retrospective and lay important emphases on the controllability of the overall dynamics of a retrospective and its goals. A retrospective should have certain boundaries set..

                Technical debt and its consequences for the company. Article for founders

                  Technical debt is a huge problem for many IT companies. In our practice, we met both small start-ups and large enterprises, which for this reason were in a deadlock and could no longer develop, scale up the product. Moreover, the..

                  Transparent processes, predictable results and cost saving. Why do we recommend the Time&Material model?

                    Choosing the right contract model is a factor that directly influences the effectiveness of cooperation and project success. JazzTeam has been focusing on Time&Material since its foundation. Many years of experience and well-structured processes allow us to avoid risks associated..

                    The red flag rule is a necessary tool for project management

                      Let’s imagine a situation: an engineer has been dealing with a complex technical problem for some time and he cannot find its solution on his own. He spends on the task an hour, then another one… The whole day goes..

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