Provided services
Backend Development, Custom Software Development, Frontend Development, Software Reengineering, Refactoring and Modernization. Cloud Migration
An educational institution with a long history, the leading provider of training programs for students pursuing careers in various technical and repair fields.

Our team developed a new version of the application that provides access to the archive of personal files of the employees and students of the institute. The archive stores personal information about employees and students, information about courses, information on payments, taxes, etc.
Our client had to establish a partnership with a new major customer, and the task was not just to create a technologically complex product, but to build a neat and manageable process. Everything needed to be clearly organized. Since this was the first project for a new customer, it was necessary to realize it at a dynamic pace and with high quality so that everyone was satisfied. There could be no mistakes. The project required a high degree of proactivity so that the end customer could see that tasks were completed quickly and efficiently, without delays, and that the process was closely monitored. There was no time for experimentation – we had to deliver quality results in a short and stable timeframe.
Project Context
The customer’s necessary condition was a ban on using a standalone database server.
After analysis of the project’s technical specification, our team provided and agreed with the customer on several changes in the initially required technology stack. This led to cost reduction on the customer’s side without compromising the project’s life and quality.
The short-term and budget served as a motive to emphasize the maximum usage of the ready standard solutions while maintaining the high application quality. In that regard, Spring Boot serves as the application framework, and H2 is used as the database, which is launched in the embedded mode.
Using the Thymeleaf template engine allowed for reducing development time, and the MaterializeCSS CSS library provided compliance with the modern Material Design style.
The development process was carried out iteratively. The results were often demonstrated to the customer and agreed with them.
Technological Overview
The application provides users with the ability to view and search for necessary information and manage users and access rights. The search function is available with a variety of filters. To enhance the user experience, a paged output has been implemented for more convenient information viewing.
There are 3 roles in the system:
- the role of access to information about students;
- the role of access to information about employees;
- the administrator role.

The project was executed with clear organization, ensuring all aspects were meticulously planned and coordinated.
Tasks were completed quickly and efficiently, without delays, and the entire process was closely monitored. This level of diligence ensured that the end customer saw consistent progress and thorough management.
Within the project, a modern application was developed that provides access to the archive of personal files for employees and students. This application operates without the need for a separate database server.
Java, Spring Boot, H2, Thymeleaf, MaterializeCSS.