Mule Solution for Dutch Telecom to Integrate Information Management System and 3rd Party Provider

  • Duration: 6 months
  • Industries: Telecom Industry; IT Industry
  • Services: Backend Development; Software Integration Services
  • Software Categories and Types: Integration Solutions
  • IT Architecture Paradigms and Approaches: Enterprise Integration Patterns
  • Technical Expertise: Java Server Side Development; Databases; MuleSoft Implementation and Integration
  • DevOps Expertise: CI/CD Basics; CI/CD Advanced
  • Technologies: Java Standard Edition (SE); Data Bases; Git; Apache Maven; CI/CD Automation Servers; Jenkins; XML; Java; Oracle DB; XSLT; Build and Dependency Platforms and Tools; Backend; XML based technologies; Anypoint Studio; Standards and Protocols; Mule ESB; Source Code Management (SCM); CI/CD and DevOps; MUnit; SOAP WebServices; JDBC; Message Queues and Service Buses; Languages, Protocols, APIs, Network Tools; Software Engineering and Management Tools; HTTP/HTTPS
  • Team size (5):
  • 1 Project Manager
  • 1 QA Manual
  • 1 QA Automation
  • 1 Frontend
  • 1 Backend

Provided services

Backend Development, Software Integration Services


Our focus is on a company that provides digital expense tracking services in the telecommunications sector, boasting more than two decades of international experience. Offering comprehensive solutions for corporate clients, they specialize in optimizing telecommunications expenses, making them a key player in the international corporate services market.


In today’s world, where borders are increasingly transparent and business and personal travel abroad has become commonplace, the constant swapping of SIM cards or searching for an affordable roaming provider has become an integral headache. Our client’s product, the Webbing SIM card, offers a solution to this problem – specially designed to simplify mobile communication during international travels.

The Webbing SIM card is a unique device that operates on the networks of most global mobile operators without the need to replace the card when moving between countries. This allows users to stay connected anywhere, reducing mobile communication costs and eliminating the need for multiple SIM cards.

Key Features and Benefits:

  • Universal Usability: Ideal for both individual travelers and employees of international companies who need to move between different countries and offices constantly.
  • Ease of Installation and Use: Activation requires no additional settings. Users simply insert the card into their mobile phone to start using the services immediately.
  • Corporate System Integration: Particularly relevant for companies looking to simplify the accounting of telecommunications expenses for their employees on business trips. Webbing SIM cards easily integrate with existing accounting systems, automating the tracking of mobile communication expenses.

Webbing SIM card users can travel between countries without worrying about changing operators or SIM cards. The product automatically connects to local mobile networks, providing an optimal balance of cost and quality of service. Thanks to its extensive coverage of mobile networks worldwide, users have continuous access to mobile internet.


Our client provides digital expense tracking services to a large international agency with over a hundred offices worldwide. Employees of the agency actively use Webbing SIM cards. Incorporating Webbing card expenses into the client’s existing suite of services was a task our team had to solve. The client required a solution developed on Mule, as its infrastructure already included Mule applications. Extracting call information from raw data from mobile operators (of which there are many) is challenging, hence the need to obtain data from Webbing web services.

Our project’s ambitious goal was to integrate a leading software product of a globally renowned company into our client’s infrastructure, requiring technical compatibility and flawless stability from the outset. The reputational risks for our client were significant: it was crucial to ensure the application’s maximum stable operation with minimal errors to affirm its status as an innovative leader.

Mule solution


Facing our challenges, we adopted a Test-Driven Development (TDD) strategy, laying a solid foundation for a reliable and stable solution from the outset. A key success factor was our focus on test case development and test automation.

Given the requirement to obtain call information from Webbing web services, we proposed a solution to transform the detailed information from Webbing services into the necessary format and save it in a database for the client to further work with this data. The integration scheme of the solution with the client’s existing infrastructure is shown in Figure 1.

Mule app
Figure 1 - Application Workflow with Webbing and Client's Database

Subsequently, client services, such as accounting, can access expense data in a format convenient for them. Thus, employees no longer need to manually process large volumes of data and enter them into accounting software.

To ensure high compatibility and flexibility, our application uses SOAP requests to interact with Webbing web services. This opens up broad possibilities for future integration and development of client applications meeting the specific requirements of the client.

Processes Improvement

In response to the customer’s request for enhanced efficiency in deployment and testing, allowing developers to focus more on actual product development, we implemented a Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) process. This automation streamlines the build, test, and deployment phases significantly.

Using Jenkins, we established a system where each commit triggers a project build. Successful builds lead to automated unit tests, and passing these tests deems the build successful. Jenkins periodically checks for new successful builds to deploy them to the server, reducing the manual effort required for build, test, and deployment tasks.

Development Approaches

High-load system development mandates designing for potential peak loads and empirically validating the system’s load handling. Our team employed load testing to ensure performance standards, identifying and mitigating bottlenecks, thus confirming our system’s adherence to performance criteria under extreme loads.

We prioritized optimizing computational resource usage. Through profiling, we identified and addressed system components with high resource consumption, improving server efficiency and overall system performance. This not only enhanced the user experience by reducing response times but also lowered infrastructure maintenance costs.

To maintain high quality and minimize risks with new feature implementations, we covered core functionalities with unit tests. This early bug detection significantly reduced debugging and testing time in later project phases, with systematic unit testing being a cornerstone of our quality enhancement strategy.

For our Mule ESB-based integration solutions, detailed error-handling mechanisms were crucial. We developed specific exception-handling strategies for each integration flow in Mule, reducing critical process interruptions and allowing fine-tuned system responses to various failure scenarios.

Technological Overview

The developed solution is a Mule application that operates as follows:

Ezwim Webbing Main Flow
Figure 2. Ezwim Webbing Main Flow

1. The process begins with regular requests to Webbing services at set intervals using the Quartz scheduler task.

Call Webbing And Save Results
Figure 3. Call Webbing And Save Results

2. Responses from Webbing, received in XML format, are deserialized into Mule’s internal data representation, allowing for precise filtering and processing of information. A key aspect is the ability to filter out already processed data and further filter according to specific criteria, such as prefix.

Save Responce Data
Figure 4. Save Responce Data
Save Log Message
Figure 5. Save Log Message

3. After the filtering stage, data is transformed back into XML format and saved in the client’s system along with corresponding action logs.


Our specialists successfully integrated a digital expense tracking service for Webbing SIM cards at a global agency with a vast office network. This integration not only broadened the client’s service range but also reinforced their reputation as an innovative leader in digital telecom technologies.

Leveraging Mule technology, already part of the client’s infrastructure, our team delivered a robust solution for automatic call data collection and analysis from Webbing SIM cards. This ensured seamless application operation from launch, minimizing reputational risks and affirming our client’s commitment to quality and stability.

This project enabled the agency’s staff to travel globally with an efficient mobile expense management tool, optimizing internal processes and providing real-time telecom expense management — a significant advantage in today’s business world.

Many of our Mule solution developments were documented in “Best Practices in Mule ESB,” later forming the basis for an article on effective Mule ESB utilization – Best practices for Mule project. This project highlights our ability to tackle complex challenges while ensuring high quality and reliability, contributing to global digital technology progress.


Databases: Oracle.

Test Automation: MUnit.

CI/CD and DevOps: Jenkins, Apache Maven.

Languages, Protocols, APIs, Network Tools: Java, HTTPS, JDBC, SOAP, XML, XSLT.

Software Engineering and Management Tools: Git, Anypoint Studio.

Other Technologies: Mule ESB.

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