Remote Full Cycle QA Service to Streamline Real Estate Management System

  • Duration: 6 months
  • Industries: Government sector
  • Services: Manual Testing Services; Software Integration Services
  • Software Categories and Types: Document Management Systems (DMS)
  • Technical Expertise: Databases
  • Technologies: Apache Maven; TestLink; Project Management, Collaboration and Bug Tracking; Jira; CI/CD Automation Servers; Jenkins; Apache Subversion (SVN); Test Management Tools; TestRail; Build and Dependency Platforms and Tools; IDE; Various Editors; XMLPad; Source Code Management (SCM); Notepad++; dbForge Studio; CI/CD and DevOps; XMLSpy; Software Engineering and Management Tools; Confluence
  • Team size (3):
  • 1 Project Manager
  • 2 QA Manual

Project summary

The project represents an automated system of enterprise process management of control and accounting activities. Control and accounting activities include control, monitoring of the arrangement, reconstruction and redevelopment of real estate objects.

The system allows making automatic the main functions of the activities of responsible persons – recording the results of inspections and examinations of real property. This accounting is organized through the creation and use of documents – certificates corresponding to the categories of works carried out.

The system is implemented in the form of a standalone web application, which ensures the increase in the performance discipline, proper accounting and control over the maintenance works performed. It reduces time spent by employees on document management by improving the quality and availability of data, and ensures the transparency of the processes of their activities.

The system’s capabilities include the organization of work in more than 10 subsystems, which allow accounting for the activities of the control service in various areas.

Project technical description: the system represents a web application developed on the basis of a client-server architecture. The client side provides for a user the operation with the application through the browser. The server side is implemented through Oracle Weblogic Server application server, and Oracle Database is used as the database.

The technological process consisting of a number of operations that involve the exchange of data between departments, services and related information systems is described in Figure 1.

Data exchange between departments services and related information systems
Figure 1 - Data exchange between departments, services and related information systems

The system has a service for external integration with the system for electronic requests processing. To fix the data, a procedure for generating separate requests was implemented in the application. It includes associated photographic documents with the image format specified.

After a fixed period of time, the web service generates a data transfer response. Based on the response, a new record is created in the database, which includes information about the session of sending the request with data.

The application determines error technical codes for the interaction with adjacent systems when organizing the data exchange process.

To view and analyze the status of the data transfer response, the process of logs check is carried out. These logs describe Get and Post data sending and receiving requests, and also allow analyzing the state using HTTP statuses.

JazzTeam responsibilities in the project

In the process of work, the objective of JazzTeam was to ensure application testing, namely:

  • Conducting a test design and writing test cases.
  • Updating available test cases based on testing results.
  • Checking SQL scripts to correct user actions in specific situations when working with the system.
  • Testing the interaction of the system with adjacent information systems (correctness of the sent and received data, comparison with the existing records in the database).
  • Testing the performance of the application in a non-production environment.
  • Registration of defects in accordance with the customer’s standards.

The technological process of application testing was accompanied by the use of tools such as:

  • XMLSpy – to check XML schema mapping.
  • dbForge‌ ‌Studio‌ ‌for‌ ‌Oracle – to test the correct execution of SQL scripts.
  • Notepad ++ – to view JSON files, analyze logs.
  • TestRail – to manage data and coordinate the entire testing process.
  • Jira – to track and distribute tasks in a team, a bug tracker.

Technologies used

Infrastructure‌: ‌Jira,‌ ‌Confluence,‌ ‌TestLink, TestRail,‌ ‌SVN.‌ ‌

Other‌ ‌tools‌: ‌XMLSpy, ‌ ‌XmlPad, ‌ Notepad ++, ‌dbForge‌ ‌Studio‌ ‌for‌ ‌Oracle.‌

Project features

  • One of the customer’s special requirements was to involve manual QA engineers with solid knowledge of SQL. SQL scripts were used during the project to quickly fix bugs in the available data in order to ensure the continuous work of users in the system.
  • While working on the project, the customer decided to switch from TestLink to TestRail. It was necessary to quickly transfer all test cases and expand them with the priorities of importance when testing functionality, as well as the time needed to conduct a test. We completed this task in the shortest possible time in full accordance with the customer’s wishes.
  • The system under development included integration with other systems. One of the customer’s requirements was the need to test the interaction with these systems, despite the fact that the main responsibility of the team working on the project was to conduct functional testing of the system.

Software development

Project results

  • Manual functional testing is conducted successfully.
  • More than a dozen different subsystems are used for system operation. The correct work is achieved, among other things, by conducting manual integration testing according to the schedule.
  • Our team quickly plunged into the subject area, figured out the specifics and details of the project, and started testing SQL queries.
  • Test cases were transferred from TestLink to TestRail, and the existing test cases were also updated.

Company’s achievements during the project

  • Daily meetings with the technical leader and weekly meetings with the project leader were introduced. This made it possible to effectively coordinate work, eliminate various kinds of misunderstandings among team members, and prevent potential problems.
  • Close and active interaction of the development team with the customer was maintained throughout the entire workflow.
  • The tasks of the project were completed successfully and on time.

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      Team forming, coordination of workstages.

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      Contract signing and project start.