Project summary
The application is designed as Monitoring and management system of state procurement for tender contract department. The system allows to create tenders records for goods delivery, rendering services, execution of work and to keep bidding stages and planning. The system also permits to tie tender record to additional documents. The responsible and supposed performer from the companies list is assigned to each tender. The companies list is shown as hierarchy tree. Each company has its own catalog of employment records, departments and department officers records.
The application uses Open Source ECM-system (Enterprise Content Management system) Alfresco as data repository. In the application both the standart Alfresco essentialities and new type data with extended properties are applied. The interaction between Client and Server is based on REST services.
The domain logic is moved to front end what greatly increases work capacity, application responsiveness and decreases server load.
- Java Script
- ExtJS:
- MVC approach
- the application entirely is based on ExtJS components
- instead of CSS ExtJS Layouts were widely applied
- for interaction with API Alfresco services Proxy and Store binding was used
- lots of visual components: tables, forms, property pages, trees etc.
- Alfresco 4.2.c (API: cmis, share, alfresco core)
- PostgreSQL
- RESTful Web Services
- Bazaar distributed version control system
- Redmine project management system
- Maven
- Jenkins
Project features
- Client’s demands for team integration in Client process and software engineering methodology
- Lots of technical complexities, concerned with Alfresco integration due to lack of documents of used services
- R&D tasks for integration ExtJS and Alfresco
- Weekly iterations
- The domain logic is moved to front end
- Creation of proper components for ExtJS library
Project results
JS-engineered with ExtJS library using web-application was successfully designed. The team could integrate in Client process and software engineering methodology keeping Jazzteam principles and aproaches. The clients were satisfied with team work capacity. Lots of technical complexities are solved.
Company’s achievements during the project
- New istrument Bazaar was explored and adopted in a very short time.
- All unavoidable tense situations during proccesses integration of different companies were settled in possitive way.
- Almost all iterations were admitted by clients as successful.

"We started the development based on a completely new technology combination for both us and JazzTeam: Java script client ExtJS 4 for the Alfresco Web services. Ours was an investment project with extremely short deadlines and exigent progress requirements.
The team has shown that it can successfully perform coping with the stressful conditions of our work process, which is characterized by very short sprints (1 week) and high requirements to the quality of each release (the need to install the updates at the customer's site after a couple of hours since the release). The result of the work was successfully presented to the investment directorate, and the objectives were declared achieved.
I would like to stress that we faced a couple of considerable challenges during the project, and those were dealt with constructively and with utmost professionalism. As a result, they were quickly concluded and, what is more, carried out important management decisions and process adjustments. I am profoundly grateful to all the participants, who, being apprehensive of the roots of the matter and showing professional work attitude, brought our cooperation to a really high level and provided a decent quality of the development by a geographically remote team."