Project summary
The accounting system of logical resources is the inventory and management system of phone numbers, international IDs of mobile subscriber, IP addresses, etc. The system allows automating the work of units that are interested in receiving complete, operational and relevant information on the status of logical resources. For example, the system operator can put into operation a new SIM card, activate new phone numbers, edit or delete them.
The project has a modular structure, module dependencies were implemented using RequireJS. The system interface is interactive, the interaction with backend is performed using asynchronous requests: for example, new data are uploaded into the table dynamically.
Among the responsibilities of our team there was frontend development as well as product complex testing. JazzTeam was engaged in development of phone numbers range visual interface, SIM cards and equipment management visual interface, etc.
Integration into the centralized system of business processes management was also performed after project implementation. It allows forming and tracking the task fulfilment for manufacturing, damage analysis and decommission of SIM cards, etc.
JazzTeam developers have successfully implemented the bundling of frontend parts of two applications; refactoring was made, during which the common structure of AngularJS project was developed. The code was implemented to common style.
JavaScript, Angular JS, Require JS, Karma, Jasmine, Apache HTTP server, REST services.
Project features
- Writing Unit tests for javascript code, the use of calculation tool for test coverage, Unit test covering more than 75% of the code.
- Distributed team – 2 countries, 4 cities.
- Work according to Scrum/Agile – daily stand-ups, a product demonstration every two weeks, sprint planning, retrospectives.
- Use of proprietary library of UI-components.
- Front-end development simultaneously with server side development.
- Interactive interface – single page application.
- The interface and business logic development from scratch.
- Throughout development the requirements and specifications of the backend services periodically were changed.
Project results
- A variety of application visual interfaces was developed.
- The functionality of uploading files to the server was implemented using Angular JS plugin.
- The manual testing was carried throughout the whole product’s functionality.
- The system was successfully put into operation. The customer was fully satisfied with the result.
Company’s achievements during the project
- The test case scenarios for writing automated UI tests were created.
- Our team offered several improvements in the library of UI-components, which after discussion with the customer’s team, were approved and implemented.
- During development the manual to test AngularJS service using Jasmine and Karma was created.
- Jazzteam engineers successfully coped with their tasks under conditions of short iterations and hard timelines.

"The main objective of JazzTeam engineers was to develop Angular component of the project (UI development). Already now, when the bulk of the project was realized, I can confidently say that the guys successfully have coped with their work. At the beginning of the project there were some roughnesses which have been solved over time and the development process has been stabilized.
I would like to say special thanks to the frontend developer, which was and remains a key member of the project from the very outset. Also thanks to the QA engineer, which fights for quality, and knows how to ask the right questions and calls into question some of the team decisions that helps to improve our product. And many thanks to the JazzTeam manager for supporting development process and evening it out in the difficult moments."